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Protestante Digital


Sharing hope via radio and digital media in Central Asia

TWR teams in Central Asia broadcast programs, produce YouTube videos, and distribute hand-held radios with USB sticks filled with programs.

RADIO, MEDIA & MISSIONS AUTOR 282/Becky_C_Matthews 26 DE OCTUBRE DE 2021 12:10 h
As diverse as the landscape of Central Asia is, so does TWR aim to diversify its hope-filled program content in 7 regional languages. / Photo: [link]Oziel Gómez[/link], Unsplash, CC0

The gospel is spreading throughout Central Asia in creative ways.

Trans World Radio has teams in the region who are dedicated to getting the gospel into the hands of the people in Central Asia, in whatever their heart language is, be it Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Karakalpak, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, or Russian.

They do this by broadcasting radio programs from various transmitters and online, producing YouTube videos, and now, distributing hand-held radios with USB sticks filled with TWR programs.

A 4GB USB stick can hold 300 recorded programs, such as House Church, Power in Persecution, and Way of Righteousness.

The teams provide radios to families with limited financial means, the elderly, small groups of believers, those who live in remote villages, or those who are difficult to access, like the shepherd in the high mountains.

One team member said, “We explained to them the station frequency and program time and how to listen to the programs through the USB sticks by plugging them into the radio. Stickers with information were also attached to each radio receiver. People were very happy when they received these gifts and thanked the Lord. After all, now they could listen to Christian broadcasts in their language without restrictions.”

They are beneficial to those who cannot read in the traditional sense. Without braille, the Word of God is inaccessible to those who are blind. But in one region the TWR team cooperated with a blind society.

They gave them radios and USB sticks preloaded with TWR programs so these precious people can have access to the knowledge of Jesus Christ also.

A significant number of people in Central Asia live in rural areas. Despite the geographic distances, they still seek to be connected with the world. Believers who live in remote villages often cannot go to church, and there are no leaders to visit and teach them the Word of God.

For this reason, TWR started handing out radios to house churches in rural areas in different countries throughout Central Asia. The believers are grateful for the hundreds of radios, SD cards, CDs, and DVDs that TWR’s teams have provided to the churches.

In one remote village, a house church was organized because of TWR’s programs. These believers gather together to pray, fellowship, and listen to the entire series of TWR programs. There was indescribable joy among those who received the radios and players.

After one journey to distribute radios and USB sticks a TWR team member said, “Our trip to the country took five days and was very fruitful and joyful. Because we were able to meet groups of believers and exchange contact information, now we know some of the listeners.” 

The listeners are texting and calling the TWR team to share their responses to the programs.

[photo_footer]Radio waves and digital media devices carrying messages of hope are a great encouragement to the many Christians in Central Asia who cannot live out their faith openly. / TWR. [/photo_footer] 


Listener responses

One listener found us on our website and while in correspondence, she asked if she could receive our programs. When she received it, she was delighted and sent me a voice message: “Thank you, sister. I needed it. I am visually impaired. However, I believed in Jesus. In addition, through listening to the Word of God, I feed myself spiritually. Your programs came to me just in time. I needed it so badly. Thanks for the help. I am so glad.”

A 55-year-old woman has been our listener for 10 years. She invites her neighbors to her house for tea to let them listen to the programs. For some reason, her radio receiver does not work well, and she must keep the antenna straight to catch the signal.

She asked, “Sometimes you want to listen to some program again or you want to offer it to someone. What do you suggest? Is there any way out?”

Our local leader pleased her by presenting her with a new radio receiver right there. The brand-new receiver has FM and AM frequencies. He also gave her a USB drive with our programs. She was extremely delighted as if she had found great wealth.


From our local team

“Last month we went to a village. Our believer sister lives there. She invited two of her neighbors and we talked. They had needs. One's husband constantly drank alcohol. In addition, the other has a son in a wheelchair.

In our Women of Hope program, there was a topic about women who can turn to God at any time. I gave an example from this program and both women accepted Christ, they repented. We prayed together later. Then I gave them a radio to listen to these radio programs.

We visited a town to distribute radios and share with the church about our digital and radio ministry. Many people wanted to have SD cards with our programs. We knew that some people were listening to our programs, but we didn’t expect they were so many!

I talked to the wife of one local missionary. She told me about a young lady who is suffering and asked me to call and speak to her. When I called, I didn’t expect that she was thinking to commit suicide.

I was shocked and didn’t know how to answer this suffering woman. I prayed to God and sent her our program about the value of life. After a while, this young lady called back and was happy and grateful for the audio program.

We praise God that our materials are helpful in the lives of different people and are used by the ministers of the Word in Central Asia.”

Our work continues to expand. For example, in one of the countries, roughly 70 percent of the population lives in the villages and mountains; most of them do not have access to the internet.

Therefore, this is a crucial ministry to spread God's Word among these people. In October 2021, one of our teams purchased 150 radios, 150 media players, and 4GB USB sticks to distribute to those who live in the mountainous regions so that all can have access to God’s Word.


Becky C. Matthews has served as a volunteer writer and editor for TWR Europe and CAMENA since 2013.

Please visit our websites  in English and local Central Asian languages.




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