miercoles, 26 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


Lausanne Europe 20/21 hosts ‘Engage’

Over the past eight months, Impact Groups have been forming all over Europe. How to reach young people in urban settings and on university campuses with the dynamic gospel will be one of the topics discussed at the Oct. 24 online event.

Students at the Stuttgart Media University, Stuttgart, Germany. / Photo: [link]Loïc Fürhof[/link], Unsplash, CC0

How can we spread the word of God in an increasingly secular continent? How can we reach young people in urban settings and on university campuses with the dynamic gospel? These are some of the burning questions evangelical leaders from across the continent are coming together to address in “Engage”, an online event organized by Lausanne Europe.                                         

Over the past eight months, Lausanne Europe Impact Groups have been forming all over Europe. For the first time, they will get to talk to each other at this special digital event, on Saturday 24. October at 19.00 CET. Engage can be followed at www.lausanneeurope.org

Our guest speaker will be Chris Wright, author of the Lausanne Cape Town Commitment, who will speak on “ Whole Church, Whole Gospel, Whole World – Europe too.” Lausanne leaders Michael Oh, Doug Birdsall, and Lars Dahle, will bring greetings and look back to the first congress in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1974 and forward to the 50th anniversary celebrations planned for 2024.

And the programme will conclude with input from young Evangelical leaders Sarah Breuel and Luke Greenwood who will talk about outreach on university campuses and reaching urban youth across Europe.

Members of the Impact Groups will share their experience of the groups so far and answer questions from people who are now just establishing such groups.

Simultaneous translation from English into French, German and Spanish will be provided by able interpreters from their own homes. Usha Reifsnider and Giovanni Donato will host the event from Oxford (UK) and Sienna (Italy), while technicians make it all happen from Stuttgart, Germany.

The evangelical leaders were supposed to have met up in Wisla, Poland this October, but this gathering has now been postponed until November next year, due to the corona pandemic. “Digital technology is a great communications tool for our continentwide conversation. The Impact Groups were established as a lead-up to the Gathering in Wisla, but they have now taken on a life of their own. Their conversation will continue and hopefully be a significant forum for European evangelicals in the years to come,” says Lars Dahle, the chair of Lausanne Europe 20/21.




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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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