In Spain, a group of Christians involved in creation care have published recommendations for both local churches and individual believers.
Far too often in the mission world, we mistake burnout as the height of service to God, but effective service cannot be done by a burnt out, shrivelled body, mind, or soul.
The intersection of physical and spiritual health among frontier peoples.
A Christian expert on political communication and migration analyses the new EU migration pact. “If Europe needs workers to do certain types of work, why not create a circular route?”, asks Noemí Mena.
God does not call people to become heroes and gain glory. He calls us to exalt Him.
The Christian community has wide and sometimes unexplored potential to be the very context in which holistic health is promoted and preserved.
From 14 to 21 January, Europeans are invited to reflect and pray for the mission through the articles of the Lausanne Covenant in its 50th anniversary.
A key finding from women in world Christianity is that women tend to be boundary spanners who transcend the barriers of religion, age, class, and ethnicity.
To a generation that is starving for human connection, the greatest gift the church can offer is relationship.
The European Lausanne Movement gathering in Budapest brought together Christian leaders from 37 countries. It was an open conversation using new formats, say Jim Memory and Usha Reifsnider.
Five elements shaping transformational mission today.
Regardless of the resourcing systems we use, the foundation on which we build must always be faith. An article by Kirst Rievan.
Our hearts and minds must submit to God’s sovereignty even in the most difficult situations, seeing gospel opportunities when the world sees conflict.
The number of Christians in Korea has plateaued for the past two decades since 2000 and has decreased drastically in recent years.
Evangelical churches in Latin America should practice a perspective of justice in the mission of our church which compels us to step outside the comfort of our buildings.
In Mission '87, Graham Kendrick and I shared the worship leading for the 10,000 young people coming from all corners of Western Europe and even a smattering from across the Iron Curtain.
TIME Magazine coined the phrase ‘Jesus Revolution’ to describe the sudden surge in young people turning to the Christian faith in the ’70s.
Let us be committed to the urgent and unfinished task of making disciples of Jesus Christ in the whole world. An article by Joshua Bogunjoko.
We live in a time when a radical rethinking of mission is called for and feasible. An article by Wonsuk Ma.
More than 700 migrants found faith in Jesus through this church's Migrants Centers in recent years. Thirty of them were trained as missionaries here and sent back to 13 countries.
For four days, women leaders from 20 European countries gathered in Sarajevo to learn, discuss and network with one another.
Speakers agreed that instead of regulating the practice of surrogacy in the European Union, efforts should be made to highlight that surrogacy means, in essence, the commodification of children.
The whole gospel includes the proclamation and incarnation of the love of Christ in which the body of Christ makes him visible to the world.
We can choose to limit our learning to minor takeaways, or to use the pandemic to address how we approach missions. An article by Kirst Rievan.
Without the constant renewal of Christ’s peace in our hearts, our emphasis on simple living may be purely a matter of economics and even politics.
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