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‘Bridge 2024’: Christian abolitionists gathered in Lisbon to build partnerships

Over 100 leaders working against human trafficking and commercial exploitation from 27 countries gathered in Portugal for the European Freedom Network annual conference.

FUENTES EEA AUTOR 427/Sheldon_Armitage LISBON 10 DE ABRIL DE 2024 11:14 h
Participants of the European Freedom Network Bridge 2024 conference near Lisbon, March 2024. / Photo: [link]European Freedom Network[/link].

Over 100 abolitionists from 27 countries gathered outside Lisbon (Portugal) for the European Freedom Network’s Bridge 2024 conference.

The theme of this year’s conference was “Connect, Collaborate and Create” which is at the very heart of EFN’s mission to be a Christian community that combats human trafficking and commercial exploitation, and seeks the restoration of victims in partnership with strategic stakeholders.

In the past, Bridge conferences have had many plenary sessions featuring outside experts from different sectors and organizations. This Bridge was unique in that it was almost exclusively member-led. The EFN operations team polled members as to what topics they wanted to discuss and then approached members to facilitate sessions, called ‘Collab’ and ‘Create’.

[photo_footer] Bridge 24 conference in Portugal. / Photo: EFN.[/photo_footer] 

A wide range of topics were covered, including Church Engagement; Jobs for Survivors; Ethical Storytelling; A Survivor’s Journey in an Aftercare Program; Focusing on the Traffickers; Staff Health and Organizational care.


Connections and relevant issues discussed

This approach not only embodied the network spirit of EFN, it also made sure Bridge 2024 was meeting the real expressed needs and desires of its members. As one participant said: “I really loved the way the sessions were facilitated in a way that enabled and promoted collaboration with helpful questions to spark discussion and create solutions and learnings from each other. Excellent summaries by the facilitators that made participants feel heard and contributions valued.”

The gathering was intentionally designed to help members connect to each other and foster a spirit of collaboration across cultural, national, and organizational lines.

Members found times and spaces to meet, plan point projects, learn from one another and worship together.

[photo_footer] Bridge 24 conference in Portugal. / Photo: EFN.[/photo_footer] 

The gathering in Portugal also included a half day tour to the western-most point of continental Europe and Sintra, as well as a ‘EFN Sings!’ karaoke night.


Many new to the network

One of the most encouraging aspects of Bridge 2024 was the amount of first-time participants and younger generation abolitionists who “enjoyed meeting people in such different areas and seeing how people can be involved in counter-trafficking in so many ways”, as one participant said.

While most of Bridge was member led and facilitated, two external speakers addressed the participants. The European Evangelical Alliance co-general secretary of the EEA, Connie Duarte, shared two devotionals.

The European Freedom Network is thankful for the support and partnership of the EEA, especially because churches do play an important role in combating trafficking and helping survivors in their restoration journey. Connie’s words encouraged participants to keep connected to each other and encourage each other forward in the massive task God has given to the movement.

[photo_footer] Bridge 24 conference in Portugal. / Photo: EFN.[/photo_footer] 

Advocacting against trafficking in many spheres

Stieneke van der Graaf, a former member of the Dutch parliament and a passionate anti-trafficking advocate, was the second guest. She reminded the delegates of the power of local and national political advocacy and gave practical tips on how to work with politicians. The European Christian Political Movement (ecpm) has been a valued partner and sponsors of Bridge conferences over many years.

Other highlights from the conference included times of morning prayer, an interactive panel session using real-time polling, worshiping together in multiple languages, watching new national and regional networks begin to take shape and, of course, the amazing Portuguese weather.

 The conference itself would not have been possible without the hard work of EFN members like Elsa Pereira from Portugal, who worked much behind the scenes and arranged for the president of the Portuguese Evangelical Alliance, Timóteo Cavaco, to attend giving some opening remarks and a blessing for the conference. 

 Though ‘Bridge 2024’ is over, the work of the European Freedom Network continues. There are many new ideas, connections and actions to follow up on. The success of the conference is in the new ways EFN members act and the impact they make as they fight trafficking and commercial exploitation together.

A version of this report was first published on the website of the European Evangelical Alliance.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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