Self-declaration of age is not acceptable, says Ofcom. “Companies that fail to meet these new requirements can expect to face enforcement action”.
Evangelicals analyse the agricultural crisis that has mobilised thousands of farmers across Europe with tractor demonstrations and product boycotts.
A local Baptist pastor: “We support families with supermarket cards, food, rental subsides and fuel vouchers”. Rebuilding roads in the island is a priority as 500 people continue to stay in hotels.
Evangelicals denounce that “gambling laws are outdated” and urge the government to take measures to solve a problem that is “a gateway to an addiction”.
A NHS report warns that the “the clinical approach has not been subjected to some of the normal quality controls”, leaving minors “at considerable risk”.
Pornography websites could be fined up to 10% of their annual turnover or be blocked. Christian associations welcome “a significant, but long overdue step in the right direction”.
The new law states that Chinese Christians need a state permit to publish religious content, which “should not incite subversion or oppose the communist party leadership”.
The Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church pointed out in a statement that they “support the government’s efforts to battle the resurging pandemic”.
Christians have a dual responsibility to steward the planet and to love our neighbour. An article by Hannah Eves.
The pastor was immediately dismissed. The Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain “categorically and forcefully condemns any case of sexual abuse”.
The plight of many families with disabled children hasn’t received the media attention that it so deserves and needs.
For the first time since March 2020, physical distancing ends although face masks remain.“This is a time to celebrate, as we worship God together”, the Evangelical Alliance says.
“Governments have put a lot of money into developing these vaccines. It's a dilemma with legal, economic, political and ethical aspects. The key would be for pharmaceutical companies to allocate part of their profits to more universal and equitable access to vaccines”.
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance says that the measure “is disproportionate, as the evangelical churches have implemented other effective protection measures from the outset”.
Why the UK Evangelical Alliance is standing against abusive practices and defending religious freedom.
“86% of GPs worried about women having a medical abortion past the legal limit or being coerced”, a poll finds. “The government has chosen to abandon woman to DIY abortion”.
A public consultation of the UK government asks whether to make early medical abortion at home permanent. “It puts women at risk and further liberalises abortion practice”.
There have been over 700,000 deaths in Europe since the beginning of the pandemic. Strong measures against coronavirus remain in most of the countries.
“Churches need to use wisdom as to whether it is appropriate to meet in person”, the UK Evangelical Alliance says. The new measures in Scotland state that churches must close.
Curfews, limited capacity for Christmas meetings or travel restrictions, are some of the measures adopted by the European governments for Christmas.
The draft law prompted criticism for being “too vague” and threatening free speech. “It could see people prosecuted for offences that they did not know they committed”, the EAUK warns.
European leaders meet to set up “rigorous measures for a rapid and coordinated response to terrorism”. Austria targets the Muslim Brotherhood while Spain starts the trial against the Barcelona attackers.
Former Prime Minister states that the measure could "set a precedent" and asks for "the right figures, the right data and the proper information".
An EU report denounces that “Romani people are subject to persistent antigypsyism, a specific form of racism”. The Roma community asks Europe to “take concrete measures”.
The measures affect Madrid and nine other cities in the region. The capacity of places of worship is reduced to just one third, while leisure, restaurants or gambling venues will only be reduced to half.
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