Paul Copan, Chair of Philosophy and Ethics of Palm Beach Atlantic University, explains how many key features of Western civilization, are the legacy of the biblical faith being lived out by believers in society.
Politicians often emphasise the sense that they will be ‘judged by history’. Jesus though, said that our ultimate accountability is to God.
Pastor Oluwole Ilesanmi had his Bible taken away and was arrested. Over 45,000 have signed a petition, asking authorities to protect freedom of speech for preachers.
The Bible warns against using dishonest weights, but we have raised that to an art form.
The Christian workers demanded asylum in Germany after their church activities were countered with regular verbal and physical aggressions.
The biblical work ethics clashes with a system that, according to the International Labour Organization, “experiences a lack of material well-being, economic security, equal opportunities or scope for human development”.
Kingdom values have helped bring radical transformation in society precisely when Christians understood their calling to be salt and light in the public square.
Some of the biblical themes underlying specific verses about remuneration are justice, dignity and reward.
God had the first word and, rest assured, He'll have the last.
The Bible only mentions ebony once, in the book of Ezekiel.
The legal attempt to take the Christian phrase off bills and coins has been rejected by the Supreme Court. Atheist activists have lost other similar appeals in the last years.
Embracing our mission of holistic transformation.
A well-functioning Parliament is an important guarantor of a well-functioning European Union that knows its role and place.
Evangelical Christians in the country speak out about the situation. “It is our duty to make a call to prayer, to calm down and recognize the right of people to protest peacefully”, pastor José Piñero says.
There is one who never makes an error; a supreme referee, a judge who is above all things, and to whom we will all one day be accountable: God himself.
The response to date, and what still needs to be done.
The flagship theological schools of the Pentecostal Union and the Baptist Union in Moscow have been banned from admitting students.
What should fill us with hope is that the present order of things won’t always remain the same: everything will be turned upside down and in the end it is not the powerful that will triumph.
Stefan Gustavsson, Director of Apologia Centre for Christian Apologetics, explains and defends the claim that God is coming back to judge every human being.
The Supreme Court rejects the petition of Islamist extremists. Her lawyer hopes the Christian woman falsely accused of blasphemy will be granted asylum in another country.
Most administrative prosecutions end in punishment. Many are prosecuted for sharing their faith on the street. “Believers go out to share their faith less often, and give out publications or invitations less openly”.
Wealth is increasingly and unfairly concentrated among a privileged few. Jesus said: “Watch out! Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions”.
The social worker Dieter Puhl is described as “a lobbyist of the homeless”. The Christian organisation works in over 100 train stations across Germany.
It is urgent to reflect on the issues and challenges of childhood, both as a society and as local churches.
The day will come when there will be no confusion about the future.
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