Sometimes the pursuit of being “interesting” and “relevant” undermines the exegetical integrity of our ministry.
The ultimate example of altruistic integrity is Jesus, who although God, ‘did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself’.
Doves and pigeons are often stigmatised as dirty birds. However, this description is completely false.
Economic and political forces driving globalization are surely no moral apostles. The growing critique shows how little some nations trust in ethics and morals coming from Euro-America.
As we focus on the mind-stretching story of the Creator entering into his creation as a human infant, let’s worship him with heart, head and hands this Christmas.
Christian leaders lament “the degradation of truth in our public discourse” and the “arrogance” seen in the last weeks. They pray for a new leader with “integrity, wisdom, honesty and competence”.
Let us preach the Gospel clearly as we carefully handle God’s inspired Scriptures with precision and integrity.
The President and professor at Union School of Theology, “will look at the gospel as the cure we desperately need and how we can cultivate integrity to the gospel”.
Holy Riders recently celebrated their 40th anniversary. “We exist in order to tell motorcyclists about Jesus and what He can do for them”, says their President.
“Governments have put a lot of money into developing these vaccines. It's a dilemma with legal, economic, political and ethical aspects. The key would be for pharmaceutical companies to allocate part of their profits to more universal and equitable access to vaccines”.
John Stott loved and commended to the global church the mission of bringing Christ to the world.
Christians in business should model a better ‘new normal’ for business. This means intentionally building interconnectedness, interdependence and integrity.
Global Integration is a framework for engaging actively and responsibly with our world, locally through globally, for God’s glory.
The temptation facing us is either to push the panic button, adding further confusion to the chaos, or to take flight and escape into denial about what’s going on in society. For Christians both of these options are simply unacceptable.
How integrity can tame the beast of bribes and extortion.
The Ecumenical Jury of the Cannes Film Festival awarded Terrence Malick's film. “The film expresses and explores the difficult challenges to the integrity of the human person in the face of great evil”, it said.
Surveys show that integrity is highly sought after in many workplaces but few can confidently define it.
UK Anglican leaders released a statement praying for “courage, integrity and clarity for our politicians”. “Reconciliation is central to our future", Justin Welby said in the House of Lords.
Some of the ideas about mission and society shared at the #2018ELF conference in Poland.
Fighting self-deception and corruption.
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