Evangelistic initiatives and prayer groups in churches of the Swiss town that hosts the annual World Economic Forum.
Professor Richard Weikart explains how Adolf Hitler was opposed to Christianity and tried to whittle away its influence.
An answer by Richard Weikart Professor of Modern European History, California State University Stanislaus.
Wealth is increasingly and unfairly concentrated among a privileged few. Jesus said: “Watch out! Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions”.
Jerry Root compares the search for meaning of C.S. Lewis with Saint Augustine's reflections.
Jim Cecy, Senior Pastor, Campus Bible Church, answers the question Why is a defense of the reliability of the Bible important?
European and US experts address the sexual revolution in a new free curriculum offered by the Forum of Christian Leaders.
Charles David Kelley, painter and president of Bridge Builders International, examines the convergence of art, culture, and faith from a Biblical perspective.
“We have to understand the times in which we live, and have discernment”, says Doctor Peter J. Saunders.
“The isolation of the digital world and the lack of communication skills that we are witnessing, make sharing the gospel quite difficult”, Bruce Little, President of Forum for Christian Thought, says.
Psychatrist Pablo Martínez uses a metaphor to explain how romantic love evolves.
The 2019 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be Ramez Atallah. Over 850 participants are expected to attend the conference in Poland.
Author Bruce Little: “We have moved from a sense of responsibility to ‘my personal rights’”.
Clinical Pastoral Counsellor Emoke Tapolyai reflect on three characteristics Christians who have been given leadership roles should develop.
Counsellor and author Ed Welch: “Our goal as people who have known Christ is to love Jesus above all else, and in that, there is freedom to love other things well, and to know when to say no”.
Adults generally are thinking about data and figures, but young people look at everything through a relational lens. Dave Patty, President of Josiah Venture.
Practical resources for advancing the Great Commission.
Tina Tschage, on some areas in which other Christians can encourage singles.
Some of the ideas about mission and society shared at the #2018ELF conference in Poland.
The simple fact that people struggle to read books is the first factor, but there are some other hurdles, says Simon Lennox of Bible Study Fellowship.
The annual gathering brought prople from across Europe to Wisla (Poland). To unite, equip and resource evangelicals is one of the aims of the European Leadership Forum conference.
Peter Saunders, CEO of the Christian Medical Fellowship (UK) summarises>the philosophical framework that made the transgender movement so popular.
About 800 people from most European countries are expected to gather in Poland for the annual gathering focused on re-evangelizing the continent.
Delta David Gier, Conductor and Music Director, on some of the dangers for artists.
Within the first 25 years of Christ’s crucifixion, the Jesus movement was spreading like wildfire across the ancient world. All four major cities of the Empire were affected, it seems – Rome, Alexandria, Antioch and Ephesus.
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