“Ignorance and the lack of resources cause many people to remain isolated”, psychologist Silvia Villares says. She has organised a forum with experts.
John Stevens, National Director of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches in the UK, examines the particular challenges to sexual integrity that Christian leaders face.
Mark Yarhouse, Professor of Psychology from Regent University, addressed the topic of pastoral care and counseling for people who struggle with LGBT+ issues.
Glynn Harrison explains how pornography draws us into addictive behaviours, and needs be tackled in the context of a more positive - truly biblical - vision for developing a healthy sexuality.
“Somewhere in the French psyche, there is this idea that we are not sinful”, says pastor David Brown.
Counsellor Ed Welch speaks about the impact of praying together.
The World Economic Forum in Davos gathers around 3,000 to tackle the issue of inequality. According to Oxfam, “2017 saw the biggest increase in the number of billionaires in history, one more every two days”.
Psychotherapist Richard Winter speaks about the causes and signs of depression, and gives a Biblical perspective.
Ramez Attallah of the Bible Society Egypt answers the question.
“There are 3 things why Muslims are coming to Christ: meeting authentic Christians; reading the Bible in their own language; and seeing a vision of Jesus”, says Fouad Masri, President of Crescent Project.
We are facing massive challenges in Europe and America with rapidly spreading unbelief and a weak Church. But what God did then in changing the direction of Europe, He can do again.
An answer by Khaldoun Sweis, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Olive-Harvey College.
Let’s take a look at a few of the many positive changes which sprang from the Reformation.
Dave Patty encourages parents and leaders to have ongoing conversations with teenagers, because “young people are under tremendous pressure”.
Theologian Michael Reeves explores some of the lessons we can learn from how the Reformers learned to preach Christ half a millennia ago.
Glynn Harrison speaks on the beauty of God's plan for sex and analyses the impacts of the Sexual Revolution.
More than 350 attended the first Wales Leadership Forum conference. Chris Street: “Current generations know very little or nothing about the Bible and who Jesus is”.
“Ask the artist to help you design the service”, says Charles David Kelley in an interview about the role of artists and how their approach to culture can add much to churches.
Michael felt that church leaders tend to see journalists as enemies. But they forget that journalists are all on very tight deadlines.
“We should allow people to have robust debates about their ideas”, says Christel Lamère.
“It is very important to communicate with those we are going to defend, otherwise, we can hurt them, or put them in jeopardy”, says Hans Gravaas of the Stefanus Alliance International.
“The Forum is the best training event I've seen in Europe in the last 20-25 years”, says Prof. John Lennox. The morning Bible teacher will be Peter J. Williams, Principal and CEO of Tyndale House.
Jay Eastman talks about the foundation of disciple-making leadership in an interview. “Out of the identity of being one with Christ, we are able to feed other fellow sheep.”
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
The 2017 European Leadership Forum gathered hundreds in Poland to celebrate the Reformation and connect to better share the gospel in diverse national contexts. See picture gallery.
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