“Our culture is looking for solutions that are not coming, because we are dealing with things of the heart. We need to reflect the hope that comes form God”, Peter Roskam says.
“It is not just pastors who do ministry. When the saints are doing the ministry too, the Body of Christ is build up and grows towards maturity in the faith”, says Greg Ogden, Chairman Global Discipleship Initiative.
“The problem of the term is that it seems to suggest a unified translation of the Old Testament”, says researcher Peter J. Williams of Tyndale House (Cambridge).
David Glass, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at Ulster University (Northern Ireland) analyses whether a computer can have emotions or a conscious experience.
“As Christians today, we live in a Babylon of our own, but we can be morally distinctive and obedient to Christ”, Peter Saunders, CEO Christian Medical Fellowship, says.
Queen consents a suspension of five weeks, which could prevent attempts to block no-deal Brexit. The Archbishop of Canterbury was asked to chair a citizens forum on Brexit.
The 2020 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be Peter Mead. Over 850 participants are expected to attend the conference in Poland.
The centre of gravity of Christianity has shifted from Europe to Africa, says Nana Yaw Offei Awuku, Director of the Lausanne Younger Leaders Generation initiative.
The seed has the capacity to be stored and kept for a long time. However, if we decide to plant it, the event becomes a process.
Photos of the Lausanne Movement Global Workplace Forum, celebrated in Manila.
Almost 900 people from 110 countries attended the Global Workplace Forum. The Lausanne Movement dreams about a “great movement of God through believers in their workplace”.
850 from 108 countries met for the Global Workplace Forum, June 25-29. The gathering was organised by the Lausanne Movement. “Every workplace is a place of ministry”.
740 evangelical leaders connected for mission in Wisla (Poland). Ramez Atallah led the Bible expositions on 2 Corinthians. Seminars, thematic networks, and resources were available at the annual gathering.
Both God’s love and judgement are intensified in the New Testament, says Paul Caopn, Chair of Philosophy and Ethics of Palm Beach Atlantic University (US).
Evangelical leaders from across Europe meet in Wisla (Poland) to network for mission in a range of fields. The vision is to renew the biblical church and evangelise Europe.
Ramez Atallah, Director of the Bible Society Egypt, addresses some of the misconceptions about the country, and analyses the presence and influence of the Christian minority.
An answer by Josef Pavlinak, Director of Integrity Life.
Church planter Ed Doepel on the meaning of success in ministry according to the Bible.
“There is no evidence whatsoever of any systematic revision from the text from the begining to the end”, says researcher Dirk Jongkind.
One hundred Czech Christian leaders worked in thematic networks. Seminars addressed issues like the generational divides, church finances, and the use of pornography among Christians.
Church planting, the amount of books authored by Spanish evangelicals and the growth of the Christian student movement in the last decades, are some of the marks underlined by Lindsay Brown.
Tony Watkins, Coordinator of the Lausanne Media Engagement Network.
“As Christians, we also try to communicate a detailed and often slightly technical message”, says Kay Carter, Director of Communications of Tyndale House (UK).
Paul Copan, Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University, analyses why people leave the faith, and how they find reasons to return.
Stefan Gustavsson, Director of Apologia Centre for Christian Apologetics, explains and defends the claim that God is coming back to judge every human being.
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