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Registration open for the 2020 European Leadership Forum

The 2020 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be Peter Mead. Over 850 participants are expected to attend the conference in Poland.

FUENTES Forum of Christian Leaders WISLA (POLAND) 27 DE AGOSTO DE 2019 12:55 h
Over 850 participants are expected to attend. / ELF

Registration is now open for the 18th annual European Leadership Forum. The upcoming meeting will take place from 23 May – 28 May, 2020 in Wisla, Poland.

An early registration discount is available to those who apply to attend the Forum by Friday, 13 September.

A limited number of scholarships are also available to participants who are native to Central, Eastern, and Southern European countries.



“I find at the Forum that it's not just that I have one encouraging meeting, I have 30 or 40 a day. I just walk out of one meeting with a leader from Burundi And earlier in that day I was talking with Slovenians. I was talking with Spanish leaders. And each time seeing we've got a unity in the Gospel”, says Michael Reeves, President and Professor of Theology at Union School of Theology in the UK.

“We want to achieve the same purposes, and by coming together and being able to work together, we are able to do things we could never do by ourselves. And these are things, partnerships, established by the Forum”, Reeves adds.

The mission of the European Leadership Forum is “to unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders to renew the biblical church and evangelise Europe”.

This invitation-only gathering brings together hundreds of evangelical Christian leaders from across Europe for specialised training, mentoring, resource sharing, and networking.

“I wish that this kind of strategic platform, this kind of place where leaders are sustained on a growing path, where there are such genuine and authentic friendships, could be found everywhere”, Nana Yaw Offei Awuku, Global Associate Director (Generations) of the Lausanne Movement, points out.



Forum participants are grouped into educational communities called Networks, which focus on such diverse areas as Bible teaching, discipleship, youth ministry, science, organisational leadership, counselling, the arts, politics and public policy, and many more.

There is also an Expo, which connects attendees with dozens of Christian organisations and universities.

The one-on-one personal mentoring sessions give participants an opportunity to speak to leading experts in various fields of ministry.

“What I value the most about the Forum is the fact that it is not just a conference; it is not something that we come to just take things from and be blessed. But it's something we can also offer to others and I truly believe that the biggest blessing comes when we give back from what we have received”, says George Christoforides, a youth minister and youth camp director from Greece.




Peter Mead wille the Bible expositor.

The 2020 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be Peter Mead, Director of Cor Deo and the leader of the Forum’s Bible Teachers and Preachers Network. Evening plenary speakers will be announced in the near future.

Over 850 participants are expected to attend.

For many participants, the yearly Forum meeting is an oasis of learning and community.

“The thing that personally brings me back to the Forum is the relationships, that God is bringing people with a common mission and a sincere desire to see Europe spiritually and politically transformed by the Gospel”, says Jay Eastman, a church planter and disciple-maker in Germany.

According to Eastman, “there are opportunities to learn here. There are so many great teachers that come together, and I can learn more here in a condensed period of time than anywhere else that I know of. There's nothing else like it”.

“For me, the main focus is not what you can hear here, but a community sharing our struggles and the good things that have happened to us. It is so lonely to be out in the world sometimes and when there are people praying for the same thing, who have the same beliefs you have, that gives you energy for the whole year ahead of you”, Domonkos Hamar, an entrepreneur from Hungary, adds.

For more information about the European Leadership Forum, visit its website or the information about the 2020 event .




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