Over 640 verified incidents against Christians are documented in a new report of the Evangelical Fellowship of India. “Many victims are too afraid to file complaints due to fear of police inaction, intimidation, or retaliation”.
More than 400 influential Christian leaders and 30 church groups sent an urgent appeal the last week of December to the president and the prime minister of India.
If the integration process in the big city is not successful, we risk losing several generations of young people who will live their spirituality away from the local church. By Ismael Rodelgo.
About 70 participants from all regions gather to “discuss again what is at the heart of evangelical belief and theology and what is more secondary”, says FEET’s chair, Gert Kwakkel.
The coalition led by prime minister Narendra Modi still has a majority but failed in its expectations after losing 67 seats. “For many Christians, the loss brings a sense of relief”.
The polls in the most popullated country in the world show another victory for the Hindutva nationalism of Narendra Modi. “Religious freedom is important and under threat”, say evangelicals.
Jesus calls us to live a radically new life as His followers. We are called to be with Him, enjoy time together, learn from Him, and be transformed from inside to out.
The 2024 European Evangelical Alliance annual meeting will take place in Sarajevo from 11 to 14 June.
The issue has gone unnoticed in Nigeria, “perhaps because of the patronage Joshua enjoyed among senior government officials, politicians and celebrities”.
European Mission Fellowship has raised almost £2 million since the invasion started. All the money is used “for humanitarian support with a strong gospel focus and motivation”.
The aim is to equip and mobilise university evangelists in Europe, so that public proclamation of the gospel becomes a regular feature of student ministry.
About 400 evangelical Christians enjoyed a day of fellowship and music. “Together we can learn more about God”, the Portuguese Bible Union director says.
A university professor in Nigeria analyses the socio-political context before the 25 February presidential election.
Sixty theologians participated in the biennial conference of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians held in Prague.
The Supreme Court of India has directed the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to obtain information from 8 states.
While the state of Karnataka passes an 'anti-conversion' law, evangelicals denounce the government “is empowering lynch mobs to target the next Christian they see”.
Being around Christians and using Christian language is not enough. Without a vital personal relationship with Christ, they are merely running on the fumes of Christianity.
Zazpi Jausi “facilitates after-school sports practice” for dozens of children from vulnerable backgrounds. “It is an instrument of blessing”, say its founders
Czech and Spanish evangelicals went online to begin the year in prayer and in practical fellowship with their brothers and sisters.
As we take stock after two years of Covid-19 disruption, we will see how local church involvement is critical for all aspects of a healthy life.
The regional government is due to approve a controversial anti-conversion law. “Christians have reasons to apprehend an outbreak of violence against them”, says the Evangelical Fellowship of India.
In Glasgow, it was so encouraging to see Christian young people across the world and especially in the UK taking this up and making their voices heard.
The potential of media and local fellowships.
How vital it is to think it through, pray it through, and learn lessons in the late summer before another winter comes (whatever that may look like where you are).
With the events of the last few days, we can only expect the pressure to increase, making the living conditions of Christians even more difficult, if possible. By Ted Blake.
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