The imitation instruction is not based on the burden of striving effort. Instead, it is to be fueled by the joy of a loving relationship.
We go into the week in relationship to a present Jesus in our hearts by His Spirit, and that makes all the difference in the world.
“Our motivation is not only to share the gospel, which is a priority, but to be sensitive to the health of all”, says the president of the evangelical hospital foundation.
Holiness is one of God's attributes, and as His children, His holiness should be reflected in our lives.
Are we aware that employees and employers are not enemies, but work together to achieve the common good?
Jesus did not have to pay the temple tax because he was the Son of God. However, he paid it so as not to give offence, out of his love for humankind.
If you have everything, but you do no't have God, you are lost, and it would be better if no one followed your example.
Whenever a child is close by, be careful about what you say and do.
This section aims to suggest areas in which we may ask questions about the life of a biographical subject, and some mistakes to avoid in the study of lives. By Jacob Dunn.
In times of struggle, we can look to the lives of those who have gone before us and take courage from the fact that their experiences can mirror our own. By Jacob Dunn.
“We have a responsibility to prevent, to react and to set an example in whatever we can do”, the CNEF says. Since 2019, eleven cases in evangelical churches have been reported.
Prince Philip died at the age of 99. “He was extremely interested in theology”. Many religious leaders showed their condolences and highlighted his faith.
“Religious communities have been very responsible and very problem-conscious”, the spokesman of the German government said. The Austrian Chancellor gave “a special thank you to the churches”.
When the suspect realised who the judge was, he broke down in tears. Judge waited for him at the prison entrance when he was released, to hug him.
The workplace may be the Holy Spirit’s greatest arena of evangelism and discipleship in the 21st century.
Pete Sampras, asked about what made his playing so great, he said, 'I've always really admired the old stars in tennis. You know, Laver, Rosewall... and I've just tried to learn from them.'
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