“No one should wish to die due to lack of palliative care”, Spanish health workers say, while they denounce their “defencelessness”.
A survey of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office shows that the membership of traditional religions has decreased in the country in the last 5 years.
The Parliament passes the law with a majority of 198 votes. Dozens protested outside. Spain becomes the fourth European country and the sixth in the world to approve euthanasia.
LGBT groups speak of a “dark” moment for human rights, but evangelicals see it as a “protection” for families and children.
Catholics, Anglicans, Jews, Muslims and Hindus presented a joint manifesto against the euthanasia law that could be passed by the Spanish Parliament in the next few weeks.
This book enables us to extend the conversation and consider further how to put people not devices at the centre of our lives.
In 1870, an American missionary founded the first Baptist church in Madrid. Swedish missionaries started work in the Mediterranean region. “We can only thank God for his faithfulness”, the Evangelical Baptist Union of Spain says.
Daniel R. Patterson lectures in theology and ethics at St. Trivelius Institute in Sofia (Bulgaria).
Minors 'must understand the consequences' before consent to treatment, says a landmark ruling. The country’s only gender clinic for children suspended new referrals for puberty blockers.
The Spanish Evangelical Alliance responds to the public consultation about the law stating that it ignores science and medicine and might "create a society with different levels of rights".
The only way to have a complete life in every sense of the word is to be anchored in God.
The European Union new strategy includes criminalising “homophobic hate speech” and funding pro-LGBT initiatives. Countries that not comply with the new policy could lose funds.
The battle between good and evil’ flows through the film. This study plan is primarily created to be used with children and young people.
Pullman is cross-pressured: even as he dismisses God and attacks religion, he feels the echo of transcendence.
The strict requirements to regularise the situation of the places of worship in some Catalonian municipalities were discussed last summer at the UN Human Rights Council.
In this new religion, it is sinful to be told that your desires are sinful. The Good News has been changed from ‘you must be born again’, to ‘God accepts you just as you are’.
Adults pose naked in front of minors for a popular TV programme in Denmark. Mikael Arendt Laursen of the organisation “Church and Media” shares his impressions from a Christian perspective.
The smaller number create groups that have a higher level of sharing and intimacy, this is seen in the Bible discussions, but also in the conversation afterwards.
If we turn back, we will never be anything, neither will we help others, much less serve God.
An EU report denounces that “Romani people are subject to persistent antigypsyism, a specific form of racism”. The Roma community asks Europe to “take concrete measures”.
The Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse's report denounces that “the Church of England failed to protect children and young people”. The Church responds: “We are truly sorry for the shameful way we have acted”.
The measures affect Madrid and nine other cities in the region. The capacity of places of worship is reduced to just one third, while leisure, restaurants or gambling venues will only be reduced to half.
There were 232,200 abortions in France in 2019. A draft law which proposes to extend the time limits for resorting to abortion to 14 weeks, will be debated soon.
“We firmly believe that neither biology nor gender is destiny”, the government’s Equality Minister told the Parliament.
For some of us, time tends to move past quickly and sometimes erratically. It is helpful to figure out where the time actually goes.
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