Evangelical churches acknowledge the serious refugee crisis but “continue to selflessly and tirelessly respond to the overwhelming needs around them”.
The Philippines faces a polarised election that could lead to the return of the Marcos family to government. Evangelicals have been very vocal in their political stance.
Evangelical Christians encourage the re-elected President of France to “build an authentically human society”. Protestants remind him that “the Republic is secular but French society is not”.
Samuil Petrovski speaks about the vitality of churches, the recent presidential election, and what Serbia learnt about reconciliation after the 90s war.
With presidential elections due in August, almost all denominations, except the Methodists, have banned the use of their places of worship for campaigning.
Traditional values shared by many Christians, the threat of the nearby war in Ukraine, and a sense of protection of the country from outside influences are some of the reasons, say two Hungarian evangelical leaders.
Macron is the favourite ahead of the 2022 Presidential election on 10 April but the right is stronger than five years ago.
Viktor Orbán faces a united opposition coalition in the parliamentary vote of 3 April. The war in Ukraine has strongly shaped the campaign. Serbia also holds elections.
The largest evangelical denomination in Spain held its annual congress in a hybrid format under the theme "Do it again!"
Candidates from the radical left to the far-right compete against Emmanuel Macron on 10 April. The Evangelical Council proposes “values stemming from the Christian faith” that help “build society”.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier was re-elected with a large majority. He is a member of the Evangelical Reformed Church and very outspoken about his faith.
The 'anti-separatism' law strengthens the secularist narrative ahead of the 2022 elections. Meanwhile, a depersonalised Christmas continues to be celebrated on the streets.
The President of Westphalia Church is the second woman to chair the EKD in its history. The 14 members of the EKD Council for the next 6 years were also elected.
In France, the CNEF has appointed a new President to start in June 2022, while in Germany the EKD will have elections in November to choose a new Council President and governing body.
The President of the Moroccan Christian Union explains why, although the change of government has raised expectations, many Christians remain cautious.
The new electoral code frees churches and candidates from charges of religious abuse of power that have caused many politicians to lose their mandates.
After ten years of Islamist government, the liberal party will have to form a new cabinet. “We are very proud political Islam came out through elections”, Christians say.
The rise of the Greens and the Liberals makes them essential to reach a coalition deal.
Several candidates hoping to succeed Angela Merkel have referred to their personal faith. An interview with German journalist Jonathan Steinert about the key issues of the 26 September vote.
Costa Rican evangelical leaders gathered to thank God for two hundred years of independent life and to pray for the country.
Svenska kyrkan, the largest Lutheran denomination in Europe, holds elections on Sunday. Many are increasingly frustrated that “non-believing politicians wish to be elected to the General Synod of a church whose beliefs they don’t share”.
A resource prepared by the European Evangelical Alliance helps to think through ways in which Christians can engage responsibly with election times.
The military announced a government of national unity. Guinean evangelicals ask to pray “for the unity of the church, socio-political stability and support to promote the gospel”.
The upcoming election might confirm a move towards progressive policies in areas such as education and abortion. The country’s Christian Democratic Party fights for its survival.
Some Christians are at the forefront of this tribalisation of politics, creating a polarisation of views and eroding the middle ground on which many believers used to stand.
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