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Spanish Assemblies of God commends 70 new ministers

The largest evangelical denomination in Spain held its annual congress in a hybrid format under the theme "Do it again!"

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus GANDÍA 07 DE MARZO DE 2022 12:05 h
A moment during the Congress, held in Gandía / FADE.

The 17th Congress of the Assemblies of God of Spain (FADE) took place between 24 and 27 February in the city of Gandía under the theme “Do it again!”

Due to the pandemic, the organising committee opted for a hybrid format that allowed more than 800 people to attend in person and another 350 online through the platform created for the occasion. Furthermore, the congress had open broadcasts on YouTube, which had a total of 10,000 views during the congress weekend.

Specific activities for youth leaders as well as for the children of ministers and representatives took place in parallel to the general programme, as is usual at ADE congresses.

[photo_footer]17th Congress of Assemblies of God Spain. / FADE [/photo_footer] 


Leadership re-election

The General Assembly sessions also took place, where all the departments and committees were elected, as well as the composition of the FADE National Executive Board.

Both those attending in person and online participants were able to exercise their right to speak and vote through the telematic system implemented.

All the members of the Executive Board were re-elected with more than 90% of the assembly's support.



The main speakers were the pastors Saturnino González and Larry Henderson; Ana Maria Baizán; psychiatrist, author and international speaker Pablo Martinez; and the recently former Secretary General of Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain (FEREDE), Mariano Blázquez.

The focus of the congress was on the search for an experience with the Holy Spirit that will lead to revival, as well as the topics of mental health in the ministry, church planting, and the need to integrate people with disabilities into the church.

[photo_footer]17th Congress of Assemblies of God Spain. / FADE [/photo_footer] 

As in previous years, the Mayor of Gandia (Jose Manuel Prieto Part) attended the inaugural meeting where the President of the Executive Council (Juan Carlos Escobar) was able to pray for him and give him a Bible.

Furthermore, the Assemblies of God honored Mariano Blázquez because of his retirement as Secretary General of FEREDE.


70 new ministers

On the closing day, 70 new ministers of the FADE churches were commended, who joined the more than 700 ministers that the organisation already has throughout Spain.

During the congress it was also announced the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Assemblies of God in Spain to be held in 2023 as well as the confirmation of the celebration of the 9th World Congress of the Assemblies of God to be held in Madrid, from 12 to 14 October 2023.




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