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Re-elected German President Steinmeier: “I do not leave my religion at the wardrobe”

Frank-Walter Steinmeier was re-elected with a large majority. He is a member of the Evangelical Reformed Church and very outspoken about his faith.

FUENTES Livenet.ch AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BERLIN 17 DE FEBRERO DE 2022 09:32 h
Frank-Walter Steinmeier has been re-elected as German Federal President. / [link] Olaf Kosinsky, Wikimedia Commons[/link], CC BY-SA 3.0-de.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier has been re-elected as Federal President of Germany in the first vote, with the support of a large majority of the Federal Assembly (1,045 out of 1,437 votes).

He was voted not only by the 3 governing parties (Social Democratic Party, SPD; Greens; and Free Democratic Party FDP), but also by the Christian Democrats (CDU).

After his acceptance speech, media outlets in the county such as Welt and Zeit praised his “very clear words” and defined him as “a combative president”.

In his speech, Steinmeier stressed that as Federal President he is non-partisan, “but I am not neutral when it comes to the cause of democracy. I will not shy away from controversy because democracy needs controversy”.

Furthermore, he pointed out that the cohesion of society will be a priority in his second term in office.


A long political career

Steinmeier confirmed his candidacy to re-election last May, when his party SPD had just 15% in the polls, without waiting for the outcome of the Bundestag (Parliament) elections in September.

Steinemeier was Chancellery Minister for Gerhard Schröder, Foreign Minister under Chancellor Angela Merkel and, since 2017, Federal President.


Outspoken about his faith

Steinmeier has become very outspoken about his faith, specially in recent years. He is a member of the Evangelical Reformed Church, a denomination that is part of the German Evangelical Church (EKD).

“I am a Christian and am active in the Protestant Church. Of course my Christianity has to do with my actions in society, after all, I don't leave my faith at the wardrobe when I go to my office in the morning”, the Federal President said to students in Tunis in 2015, according to Livenet.ch, speaking about the relationship between society and religion.

The politician explained that the Bible has become more important to him in recent years, because “in the course of a life, certainty about the importance of a God who strengthens and protects, who gives orientation and support and who forgives, grows”.

In February 2019, Steinmeier invited people to the Forum Bellevue on the topic of religion. He underlined that “interest in religion is as strong as ever although church attendance is not popular, but two-thirds of Germans nevertheless describe themselves as religious”.

In 2020, he also pointed out that in the coronavirus pandemic, the “need for faith and superior answers was growing”.




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