The list is long of prophets and spiritual leaders who dared to speak the truth to rulers who crossed God-ordained thresholds – often at great cost.
Over 70 business people and entrepreneurs gathered under the theme “leaders who serve, servants who lead”.
It is relatively easy to achieve one of the three, but a response that speaks to the true influence of lives transformed by Jesus should touch all three.
Ukrainian villagers were glad to get food but also prepared to stand in the snow and cold wind to listen to the team share the gospel.
The uncertain times for European society call for a rapid shift in our collective perception from its reactionary mode.
Science is beginning to understand the quantum mechanisms of magnetic orientation, but the question of how the young birds know exactly in which direction to orient themselves, remains a mystery.
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance invites churches “to dedicate a Sunday service to reflect on children in need", under the theme ‘To leave no child behind’.
Over 1,400 people have died in Haiti earthquake and hundreds are still missing. Christian organisations say their staff are safe but the situation is very worrisome.
As technologically simulated relationships become ever more realistic and superficially convincing, we must be aware of the risk that the simulacrum will exert a seductive appeal to our hearts.
Let’s resist being caught up in polarising narratives and instead adopt the Samaritan strategy: see others through God’s eyes.
Finding the balance between safety and compassion.
“Be more intentional with your shopping choices, slow down your consumption, choose contentment, practise gratitude and be generous”, are some of the advices of Baptist World Aid Australia.
The risky diving rescue operation spread over three days. One of the boys is a Christian. “It’s the love that God gives to our family”, said his parents after the rescue.
In search of authenticity (4): Schaeffer was looking for the human contact that might reopen the discussion that the debate had closed.
Compassion should always be our over-riding motivation, and we should always offer people a way out of their situation; otherwise our words are only condemnation.
Government restrictions force Compassion to leave the country. Hundreds of “churches that are passionate about caring for children will still be there” for the 145,000 sponsored children, says the NGO Director in Italy, Silvio Galvano.
At least 2 people died in Haiti and 4 in the Dominican Republic, thousands displaced. Christian charities are working in Haiti. Two million people urged to evacuate in several US states.
We are used to talking too much and doing too little. We are specialists in words and illiterate in power.
When Jesus saw the multitudes he cried . And how de we react?
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