The Greek forward thanked God after receiving the NBA Most Valuable Player award. “My motto is ‘Walk by faith, not by sight’”, he says.
God had the first word and, rest assured, He'll have the last.
There is not a single friend who can understand you like God can. He suffered more for us than we will ever be able to take in.
Isn't it odd that we, who are the sons and daughters of the most victorious being ever to exist, should live in defeat?
How integrity can tame the beast of bribes and extortion.
If God has given everything for us, then surely He deserves that we give Him all of ourselves in return.
We might find ourselves washed up on the beach from time-to-time, but we and our child jump up and run back in to the surf once more to try again.
If God doesn't stop a child's birth, what right do we have to do it?
We seem to live in a society of fear.
In all walks of life, we run the risk of performing for those watching us.
There is one who never makes an error; a supreme referee, a judge who is above all things, and to whom we will all one day be accountable: God himself.
The item is now adorned with new packaging, which it didn’t have before! And my memory had an exact mental image of that bottle which did not correspond to the reality.
Have you stopped to think that maybe you are searching in the wrong direction, even if you are following a religion?
It is not the Triumph which is the problem, but how we treat it.
There are many who believe that nature created itself. However, since the days of Job until the present day, millions have believed this to be impossible.
We need to get back to worshipping our God.
More than 2,500 children have already seen the musical, which tells the story of gospel music in a both enjoyable and deep way.
We often make mistakes by misjudging others.
One of the things about parenting a child or young person with additional needs, is that life is never predictable.
The most important thing is not what we can get, but who we are.
Andrés Reid leads preaching workshops in Spain. He emphasises the importance of looking for excellence, being faithful to the Bible and living lives that shine in society.
Sometimes we mistakenly believe that those who trust in God will not suffer any wrong.
God speaks to us about preparing to win souls, to be true life-savers.
We are tempted to make our vocations a salvation project; to justify our souls with grand deeds.
I think it would be wise to schedule a break here and there.
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