His Christian leadership during the times of the dictatorship left a mark in the evangelical churches. “He played a very important role internationally, his boost is still present in our movement today.”
In Wittenberg, the German President highlighted the importance of Luther’s Bible translation and spoke of how the “priesthood of all believers” brought sense of individual freedom.
On Thursday 23 June, the citizens of the UK will decide if they remain in the European Union. 7 Christians organisations share a joint prayer. Several authors have published biblical perspectives at Evangelical Focus.
Was Tony Palmer right when he declared that Luther’s protest is over?
On June 19 and 26, many churches will spend a day to pray “for the welfare and protection of the world’s forcibly displaced peoples”. Ideas and resources are offered.
Nikos Stefanidis (Helping Hands Greece) believes that reaching refugees through “holistic ministry” is following Jesus’ example. The pastor shares stories of asylum seekers who have started to follow Christ.
An analysis of the 1541 Colloquy of Regensburg.
Nahdlatul Ulama, an Indonesian Muslim organization with 50 million members worldwide, gathered leaders from 35 countries to address the religious aspects of extremism and terrorism.
What was the Protestant Reformation all about?
We love new technologies and we use them passionately. But we also know God’s mission is done through and for real people. The ELF conference in Wisla (Poland) reinforces our aim to analyse the big challenges of today through the Christian worldview.
Christians in Politics launch #DisagreeWell. Believers should be able to talk, listen to each other, and join political parties as well as other orgnisations in society.
Dr Pablo Martinez is one of the authors of the ‘Pastoral Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse’. In an interview, he explains the causes from a biblical perspective, and recommends steps to take action.
Should we talk about the ‘Protestant Reformation’ or the ‘Protestant Reformations’?
Usama Hanna (MEOS, Switzerland) believes churches in Switzerland and across Europe “are opening up to integration.” He emphasises the importance of “praying for and with the refugees.”
Art For Change ten-day residency organised by UESI India (IFES). “A work of art is not Christian art because it carries with it any symbol of a cross or Jesus in it, but it should reveal the truth.”
What should be the approach to refugees coming from an Arabic background? What is important to them? How can we talk to them about God? Usama Hanna (MEOS, Switzerland) gives some answers.
A closer look at Heinrich Bullinger, Theodore Beza, Thomas Cranmer, William Perkins and Conrad Grebel.
Ahead of their appearance at the Court of Appeal, the Baking Company’s General Manager, Daniel MacArthur, said: “The gospel says that we are all sinners, and God is the great judge.”
A closer look at Philip Melanchthon, Matthias Flacius, Martin Bucer, John Knox and William Farel.
The result is a boost for the Labour party, after generally poor results in Scotland, England and Wales. Prior to the elections, the EAUK organised a debate with all the London mayor candidates.
Swiss cartoonist Alain Auderset on how his ‘Willy Grunch’ animation video went viral on Facebook. His new project, a “book without words” to share the gospel.
How Protestantism recovered the soul-enriching doctrine of double imputation.
The “Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse”, released by the AEE, “wants to analyse the situation and give tools to the church, so that they can prevent the abuse.”
Scorsese and Schrader’s film revolves around the search for redemption in figures such as Travis, who are buried in an urban inferno, constantly fighting to free themselves of their sins.
When the suspect realised who the judge was, he broke down in tears. Judge waited for him at the prison entrance when he was released, to hug him.
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