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New Evangelical Focus
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Gospel and society

European Evangelical Alliance becomes a partner of Evangelical Focus

Thomas Bucher believes the website “offers a much needed voice, having a certain independence and yet committed to Evangelical values.”

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BRUSSELS 29 DE JUNIO DE 2016 18:12 h
Evangelical Focus was launched in January 2015.

Europe is going through multiple crisis, and Christians have the responsibility to serve the society, offering a biblical worldview in all areas of public life.

This is a vision many evangelical Christians in Europe share, an idea which helped propel Evangelical Focus. The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) shares the same desire to connect the Christian faith with all of society.



Secretary General of the EEA, Thomas Bucher, said the work of Evangelical Focus is valuable because it “specialises to show different perspectives on European issues. It offers a much needed voice having a certain independence and yet committed to Evangelical values.”


Thomas Bucher, EEA.

The EEA becomes a partner of the Evangelical Focus team because it believes the website “is a channel which we hope will increasingly have an impact beyond the Evangelical circles.”


Question. Why is it better for evangelical Christians to do the mission of the church in Europe together?

Answer. The classical verses answering this which are often quoted in the Evangelical Alliance circle are from John's gospel chapter 17 starting with verse 21. The world will believe when we are one.


Q. What are the challenges and opportunities you see for the European Evangelical Alliance right now, in 2016?

A. Let me start with opportunities first. The whole asylum crisis is a great opportunity. Unexpected doors to apply Matthew 25 (feed, clothe, visit) have arisen for Evangelicals across Europe.

Many asylum seekers are asking questions about Jesus, are looking for meaning in life. Hundreds have turned to faith sometimes changing a church from being a local church into an international church within a few months.

Making good practice visible on European level, reporting stories, answering frequently asked questions and the more to support our members in their efforts is both an opportunity and a challenge.

This situation forces another opportunity and challenge into the forefront. Cooperation between European and migrant churches and making use of synergy is much needed and yet not easy to get.

As “Hope for Europe Networks” have been integrated into the EEA a new dynamic has come with it. There is increasing cooperation across the board which benefits for instance also the whole situation with the asylum crisis.

A challenge is the rise of fear and national populism among Europeans. Some of the situations remind us of the 1930 years. Engaging with this in a helpful way is quite a challenge.


Q. What section of our website do you like most?

A. I am more a pick and choose person with a wide range of interest. This means I will check Evangelical Focus for a specific topic of interest when needed. And of course I contribute through sending interesting topics and links which could be benefitting a wider audience or need more research.


You can visit the website of the European Evangelical Alliance

"Refugees in Europe" is a series of interviews produced by Evangelical Focus, the European Evangelical Alliance (The Refugee Campaign) and the Refugee Highway Partnership. 

Other partners of Evangelical Focus are Protestante Digital, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, the Forum of Christian Leaders and Alianza Solidaria




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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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