Each year, in this land, we have 4 Covids. In this nation, 200,000 terminations. A video-poem by Glen Scrivener (Speak Life).
It is the highest number since the Abortion Act was introduced. The official annual report shows that the abortion rate was highest for women aged 22.
Norwegian politicians took one more step in the direction of a society where babies are regarded a commodity to be ordered and traded, not as a child created in the image of God.
The U.S. Agency for International Development sent a letter to UN Secretary General, asking “to drop the provision of abortion as a priority to respond to the pandemic”.
“Religious freedom, must include recognition of the right to protect life and to advocate against its termination, both in words and deeds”, the WEA says at the UN Human Rights Council.
The country with more abortions is France (224,000). England and Wales reached their highest figures. Germany and Spain increased the number of abortions below 2%.
A newspaper report accuses an evangelical entity of harassing women when they go to abortion clinics. They deny it: “We respect people and if they don't want to talk, we don't insist”.
Under the theme “Life empowers, pro-life is pro-woman”, tens of thousands marched for life in Washington D.C. Donald Trump was the first US President ever to attend the gathering.
Both goverments pass resolutions avoiding parliament. Massive pro-life demonstrations in both countries question the measures.
Pro-life leaders denounced that the president intends to covertly approve a pro-abortion statute. Fabricio Alvarado, leader of the Costa Rican opposition party, participated in the march.
Pro-life leaders reveal that the President of Costa Rica intends to covertly open the door to abortion. Led by a significant number of political and religious leaders, Costa Rican Christians say Yes to life.
An official survey shows that evangelicals are now 15.3% of the population. It is the faith group with the highest church attendance.
Only infidelity has not suffered a change in attitudes compared to 30 years ago, shows research conducted by King’s College London on a range of issues.
Surveys say a majority of society is not in favour of the changes that will be applied after March 2020. Same-sex marriage has also been legalised.
Catholics, evangelicals and members of other faiths attended the march. “Christians should stand up for those who are weakest and have no voice”. Police had to protect the event from a violent counter-demonstration.
The issue revealed a deep division of the parliament. Catholics and evangelicals worked together to stop the law.
This year’s Swiss ‘March For Life’ denounced that 9 in 10 babies with Down Syndrome have no chance to live. The police had to protect the event from pro-abortion radicals.
Demonstrators gathered in front of the parliament building in Belfast. “We werere not asked about this undemocratic change, which does not reflect public or political opinion here”.
“The solution for Latin America is strengthening the family”, Pastor Mercedes Aguayo told the assembly in the ‘Dialogues with Civil Society’ session. Some evangelical representatives were denied access on the second day of talks in Colombia.
If God doesn't stop a child's birth, what right do we have to do it?
James’ Autism is neurodiversity, a different way of ‘being’. His brain is wired differently to mine, he thinks differently to me, sees and responds to the world differently to me.
It is often assumed, that by the fact a woman has made the decision to have and abortion she “must suffer and deserves to suffer” - after all it was her own choice.
The President of the Italian Evangelical Alliance: “Religious freedom and the family are necessary values for a peaceful coexistence”.
Demonstrations filled the streets of 210 Argentinian cities. The demands included a better adoption system and more support for women in a position of fragility.
The official figure of the government is 100,986 abortions in 2018. Criminal or medical indications were the cause of only 4% of the abortions.
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