World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Efraim Tendero and national evangelical leaders meet the Kosovan Head of State. Thaçi underlines his commitment to religious freedom and inter-faith dialogue.
We sometimes receive strong criticism from evangelical Christians over our friendly interaction with senior Roman Catholic leaders. A response by Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas K. Johnson.
The World Evangelical Alliance and the Vatican issue a joint document on ‘Scripture and Tradition’ and ‘the Church in Salvation’.
Vaughan Roberts speaks from 25 years of ministry experience to share four lessons on staying the course as a Christian, despite ongoing battles with the world, the flesh, and the devil.
“Kim Jong Un is begging for war", U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said. China and Russia asked for diplomatic talks with North Korea.
So far, Evangelicals and Pentecostals have been talking about unity among “born again” believers. If they commit to “greater oneness” with the Roman Catholic Church and WCC, they need to reflect on what they become committed to.
The World Evangelical Alliance supports the USA National Association of Evangelicals in condemning white supremacy. “Jesus Christ has the power to break down racial barriers.”
They also found evidences of the battle between the Roman forces and the Jewish rebels, which resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
Around 130 delegates from different parts of the country reflected on the role of Christians. A manual for counselling the victims of violence has been published.
The attack “will not make me give up”, pastor Machado says. The Latin American Evangelical Alliance calls to pray for him and for the task of fighting corruption in Honduras.
One in three citizens think corruption is one of the biggest problems facing their country. Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain are the worst judged.
For 20 years, IDOP has united millions of Christians to denounce and pray for those who suffer persecution. This year, events are being held the first three Sundays of November.
The WEA Mission Comission Consultation was held in Panama, with the theme: Polycentric mission. One of the participants, Helder Favarin, shares his views of the gathering with Evangelical Focus.
“Pray that God would use Guterres and the UN to lessen the suffering in our world, and in humility serve those who are most vulnerable”, says World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Efraim Tendero.
“It is when all the ‘pieces’ come together that our response is really relevant and can have an impact on every level - locally, nationally, regionally and globally”, says WEA Communications Director Timothy Goropevsek.
“Is the gospel about human salvation from a condemned world or does it include hope for creation’s good future in Christ?” Lausanne Movement and World Evangelical Alliance sponsor the regional gathering.
His Christian leadership during the times of the dictatorship left a mark in the evangelical churches. “He played a very important role internationally, his boost is still present in our movement today.”
Some of the ways that evangelical organisations are taking up the global challenge of implementing creation care as a mission task.
Participants from more than 20 countries shared plenaries, projects, resources and worked in groups. The meeting was organised by the Lausanne Movement and the WEA.
WEA’s Secretary General Efraim Tendero and Pentecostal pastor with personal friendship with Pope Francis Giovanni Traettino, among those invited to share their views in the assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
New Word Evangelical Alliance premises should not be compared to the Vatican City or other world religions' centres, Director of Communications Timothy Goropevsky explains.
A 2012 UNHCR document by António Guterres already highlighted the central role faith-based organisations play in “making solutions sustainable by helping refugees integrate in their new communities.”
The Czech Evangelical Alliance prepared a guide focused on the “The return of the lost sons.” Hundreds of churches will gather in daily meetings across the world for this initiative started in 1847.
Pyongyang said the test was “self-defence against the US nuclear weapons”. It has provoked a worldwide opposition and scepticism
The IDOP joins millions of Christians worldwide, to pray for those who suffer because of their faith in Jesus. Resources are offered by several organisations with facts and prayer requests.
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