The involvement of James I. Packer with the Evangelicals and Catholics Together initiative has puzzled many of his admirers.
It does not matter who you are now. The most important thing in life is knowing where we are going to spend all eternity.
John 5 underlines to us that Jesus is not passive, nor reactive. He is proactive.
God is very clear, either you are or you are not. There are not “almost” believers.
The seal impressions found in Jerusalem, “add much information” about the time when the Jews returned from Babylonian exile.
Moving beyond the perimeter of the biblical faith, Roman Catholicism legitimizes prayers to other deities or religious ideals.
A 2019 report of the Observatory for Religious and Conscience Freedom warns that the violent attacks against places of worship have increased.
Is the present pandemic simply God’s judgment to punish evil? Or does it, on the other hand, have nothing to do with God, because He can only show love?
A Christian is someone who has been both born into and adopted into God’s family.
The unsettled legacy of John Paul II one hundred years since his birth.
Although we have not been saved by our good works, the Bible says that they are the result of our salvation.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, He made a way for humans to come to God and defeated the enemy of our souls and death itself.
Jesus died to set us all free from the righteous judgment of God against sin, to buy us out of our slavery to sin.
His story can change our story, because our story only makes sense when we understand His.
For missiological, theological, evangelistic, and strategic reasons, evangelicals must try to enter the Roman Catholic mindset and gently challenge it with the gospel.
Big companies are using the confinement to attract new consumers. The Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity and other six platforms call to protect children and fight human trafficking.
Even when people are so far from Him, God is concerned about the salvation of their souls and about their everyday lives.
In mourning and in lockdown, believers may experience the power of Easter’s surprise: the arrival of someone who meets us in seclusion and whispers, “peace be with you”.
The Pope is offering an outpouring of indulgences. The message that Roman Catholicism is giving in these weeks of coronavirus crisis is a disarming detachment from the basic principles of the biblical faith.
Pope Francis tends to idealize native cultures, seeing them as already infused by the grace of God.
“God the Father, the Son and the Spirit are at work in our lives, through the gospel, to bring us into a relationship with theTrinity”, Peter Mead, Director of Cor Deo, says.
Roman Catholicism is built on the conviction that its system is capable of keeping together its unchangeable Roman identity and its ever-increasing Catholicity.
It is impossible to live a Christian life that pleases God if we are not filled with his Spirit.
We who follow Jesus Christ have also been made priests (Revelation 1:6).
The United Methodist Church proposes to create a new “traditionalist Methodist” denomination, as leaders say it is “the best means to resolve our differences”.
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