A Pew Research survey finds that a large majority of Americans believes in the existence of hell. Only four in ten Catholics and Protestants believe the Christian faith is the only way.
No matter what good we may do in life, we can never measure up to the perfect righteousness that God demands.
We are the bride of Christ, He won our hearts and we are His. We are invited to live with our gaze fixed on Him and our every move lived in response to His loving leadership.
Evangelical remarks on Catholic S.J. David Meconi’s latest book.
On 31 October the Protestant Reformation is commemorated around the world, just over five centuries after Luther nailed his 95 theses in Wittenberg (Germany).
It was discovered in Israel, near the site of the Temple in the time of Jesus. Experts said the engraving had never been found on other objects until now.
Only those who know they are completely powerless before God, and accept what God did for them, can be saved.
No event can ultimately be tragic because, thanks to God’s undeserved grace, every experience in our life is ultimately for the good.
On Andrea Riccardi’s insights on the crisis of present-day Roman Catholicism.
We have no right to go around thinking that we wish we were like this or that person.
A lot of ministry happens on fairly short notice. The weekly rhythm keeps ticking like a metronome, and it tends to get interrupted by emergencies.
Whoever is elected, the next pope will unlikely be an “evangelical” if the word “evangelical” retains its doctrinal and historical meaning.
He knows we are sinful when He calls us. He has a far greater work for us to do and knows that He will need to do great work in us.
In his new book “Same Words, Different Worlds”, Italian theologian and evangelical pastor Leonardo De Chirico defends the need to understand the theology that differentiates evangelicals and Roman Catholics.
The controversialist, the dialogue partner and the diplomat.
Anything other than believing God's Word is cheating.
This section aims to suggest areas in which we may ask questions about the life of a biographical subject, and some mistakes to avoid in the study of lives. By Jacob Dunn.
Even if the call to listen to the Word of God is present in these speeches, it seems to lead to an increased catholicity rather than an appeal to recover the biblical gospel.
Authorities told Christians they must renounce Christ to resolve the conflict.
Although no longer monumental and certainly not monolithic, Thomism is still “substantial” for Roman Catholicism, representing its main theological backbone.
Dante between the Bible and Medieval Roman Catholicism.
Milagros Aguayo was number two on the Lima list of the Renovación Popular party for the Congress. “The gospel is a tool to participate in the public life”, she says.
The Swiss theologian was the forerunner of positions considered at the time "extreme" or even "disruptive" which then became "mainstream".
The pope's speech in his recent trip to Iraq undermines the Christian “scandal”, according to which Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.
The Bible says that time is running out. Those of us who have already acknowledged Him as Lord will live with Him forever.
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