Around 300 representatives participated in the annual Baptist World Alliance gathering in Thailand. The Venezuela humanitarian crisis and the needs of refugees were also highlighted.
“The Handmaid’s Tale” portrays the nightmare of a society governed by fanaticism and intolerance.
Miguel Wickham comments on the United States decision to leave the Paris Agreement and encourages Christians to commit themselves to the biblical mandate of stewardship.
The US may have left the Paris climate agreement, but Christians cannot avoid their responsibility in preserving God’s creation, says Antonio Cruz.
Political and religious leaders heavily criticise the decision. France, Germany and Italy reject Trump’s assertion that the climate deal can be redrafted.
The U2 singer talks about the Psalms in the Bible, music and life in a Fuller seminary video series. Artists “please God being brutally honest”, he says.
“We’re going to make it simpler to report problems”, Mark Zuckerberg says. Since 2016, at least 50 criminal or violent incidents have been broadcast over Facebook Live.
“His writings made theism a serious option within academic philosophy”, the John Templeton Foundation says. Plantinga hopes “the Prize will encourage young philosophers.”
It is incumbent on Christian leaders, and people that sign manifestos, to dig deeper and understand the truth in all its dimensions.
One of the most painful situations for those serving among people without legal papers in the United States is to help parents to make plans for the care of their children in case they are arrested and deported.
Representatives from across the world sign manifesto denouncing those who “hailed the US President as a Christian and a prophet.”
Southern Baptist Russell Moore: “Christians must continue to insist that the worldview of the sexual revolution harms men and women and advocate for the inherent dignity of all.”
During her first press conference, Nikki Haley stated that the UN has “breathtaking double standards” with Israel, but the US “will not turn a blind eye to this anymore.”
A selection of pictures of World Press Photo 2017.
I wish our public discourse would reflect the complexity of life more fully.
“As Christians, we have a historic call expressed over two thousand years, to serve the suffering”. Signatories include Timothy and Cathy Keller, Ed Stetzer, Max Lucado and Bill and Lynne Hybels.
World chess #2 shares with Evangelical Focus his Christian convictions and the central role faith plays in his day-to-day life, which he defines as “simple and quiet”.
In his first National Prayer Breakfast, the President of the USA says he will eliminate the Johnson Amendment to “let religious representatives speak freely without fear of retribution”.
The World Evangelical Alliance: “We wholeheartedly affirm the clear teaching of the Holy Bible that the people of God are called by God to ‘love’ and ‘welcome’ the foreigner and stranger”.
“Compassion and security are not mutually exclusive”, Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief said. Meanwhile, Franklin Graham and other evangelical leaders support Trump.
Paul instructed his readers to pray for the authoritarian leaders of his day, so that the ‘soft powers’ of the gospel–love, truth and justice–could prevail.
The Mexico City Policy blocks all funding to organisations that carry out or promote abortions. “This decision will save lives”, Christian leader Russell Moore says.
Research shows that around 70% of US Evangelicals believe evolution is probably or definitely false, while 28% of them said that the climate is not changing.
Dean Baquet says newspapers fail to understand the central role that faith plays in the everyday life of many citizens.
Authors of the study stated that religion is worth $1.2 trillion to the US economy. “Religion provides purpose-driven institutional and economic contributions to society.”
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