The US Commission on International Religious Freedom has analysed the effects of blasphemy laws worldwide between 2014-18. 11% of the blasphemy-related incidents took place in Europe.
Olivier Giroud, David Luiz, Alisson Becker, Kevin Durant, among others, offered their jerseys. “260 million persecuted Christians is unacceptable”.
Daniel R. Patterson lectures in theology and ethics at St. Trivelius Institute in Sofia (Bulgaria).
Joshua Wong was in solitary confinement for organising an unauthorised meeting. “A Bible passage in Romans is what gives me strength”, he said while in prison.
Biblical archaeology does not seek to prove or disprove the content of the Bible, but to describe the historical framework in which the biblical books were formed.
The investment in the American faith-based streaming platform shows the weight of Christian consumers as a niche market.
More than ever we’re called as Christians to be a light to our communities, a porch light to our streets and houses of light to our friends.
Former Prime Minister states that the measure could "set a precedent" and asks for "the right figures, the right data and the proper information".
We live in an area that loves Halloween. Each year hundreds of kids get dressed up and walk around the street trick or treating. I’m running a Halloween trail this year.
In this new religion, it is sinful to be told that your desires are sinful. The Good News has been changed from ‘you must be born again’, to ‘God accepts you just as you are’.
Mercy is more than offering forgiveness, it includes loving-kindness, pity for those who are suffering and being gracious.
A Christian senator presented the initiative. “Religion makes the deprivation of freedom tolerable and generates a change”, the new law states.
A respected member of the Christian community was arrested without a reason. “Many people are outraged by this and we are going to support him”, his pastor says.
At least 100 people were arrested this Sunday. Riot police targeted university students. An opposition leader and ither activists left the country, threatened with prison.
According to a fugitive from Turkish justice detained in Argentina, members of President Erdogan's party contacted him to kill the pastor.
Tatsiana and her husband experienced the police brutality first-hand as they were arbitrarily arrested. In an interview, she shares her hopes for justice and a free future for Belarus.
A new narrative will be required as missionaries return to the new ‘normal’; narratives that define the shape of God’s mission in Europe.
The new law will criminalise any discrimination because of sexual orientation. “We do not agree with the President's Penal Code”, a Haitian pastor says.
He died after more than 40 days on a hunger strike. “State Security does not allow some opponents to attend the funeral”, a friend says.
Practical considerations for building trust in partnerships.
In an interview, team members of the evangelical magazine ‘Ultimato’ analyse the burning issues of the largest country of South America. “The organic approach to church during confinement could change our ecclesiology”.
The US Commission for International Religious Freedom asks for the release of pastor Jesus Quinones, and the right of Cuban parents to “raise their children pursuant to their own faith”.
In Europe, hundreds of churches have joined to sing versions of “The Blessing” in their own language. See some of the videos.
The release of imprisoned Christians was part of the regime’s efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus, not an indication of a change of policy.
“This conference is an impressive example of how the church has been adapting during the pandemic”, a participant says. 25 Networks, 101 workshops, plenaries and mentoring were available online.
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