The government faces pressure from far-right populists. In a country with 7% of Muslims, evangelical churches differ on what the role of Islam should be.
The World Evangelical Alliance: “We wholeheartedly affirm the clear teaching of the Holy Bible that the people of God are called by God to ‘love’ and ‘welcome’ the foreigner and stranger”.
“Compassion and security are not mutually exclusive”, Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief said. Meanwhile, Franklin Graham and other evangelical leaders support Trump.
The Mexico City Policy blocks all funding to organisations that carry out or promote abortions. “This decision will save lives”, Christian leader Russell Moore says.
Hope perseveres in the face of hardship, recognizes that God in his grace wants to preserve this world and protect it from its self-destructive powers.
“This demolition was done out of injustice and discrimination”, said Rev. Musa. Six more churches are due to be demolished.
First and foremost, a Christian vote is a vote for others.
John Piper: “Donald Trump’s immoral behavior in the past, and his ongoing unwillingness to renounce it as evil, show that he is morally unfit to lead our nation.”
“It is known that a good part of the women who are recruited for prostitution are minors”, says sociologist Richard Poulin.
Plans for a new constitution would make it easier for the head of state to order a state of emergency. The post of Prime Minister could be abolished.
Just over half of the general population believes Britain is a “Christian country”, but only one third of those aged 18-24 agrees. Citizens want politicians to understand religion well, a survey shows.
President Rodrigo Duterte’s Proclamation defines the Bible as “fitting and proper for the molding of the spiritual, moral and social fiber of our citizenry.”
All pregnant women in the Netherlands will have access to the Non Invasive Prenatal Testing to know if they have children with Down syndrome.
Shira Sorko-Ram, pastor and journalist in Israel, shares her views and a historical and biblical context on the latest events.
“Resources are getting scarcer and no doubt the local churches and its members will have to take on a heavier financial responsibility in the future”, explains Parish pastor Haakon Kessel.
Regional government of Valencia applies measures to “eradicate transphobia” in elementary schools. Other Spanish regions promote similar pro-LGBT laws.
The European Commission Eurobarometers show Europeans' opinions and concerns. The trust in the EU has grown.
Slovakian MEP Branislav Škripek, Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, and former prime minister of Ethiopia Tamrat Layne, spoke about how faith in God has shaped their lives.
More psychological and material help should be offered to young couples, Christian organisations say. The 1975 abortion law needs to be reconsidered.
The Freedom Party’s candidate, Norbert Hofer, lost for more than 300,000 votes.
The evangelical theologian Juan Stam relates an unusual encounter that happened in 2002, in Havana, between a group of Protestant pastors and Fidel Castro.
One in three citizens think corruption is one of the biggest problems facing their country. Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain are the worst judged.
Refugees, politicians, and members of churches listened to each other in Bern. Local projects were awarded for their pioneer work with migrants.
“Too often we hide behind our Christian heritage which is somehow only a kind of folk and nominal version of real Christianity”, says Frank Hinkelmann. Evangelicals should not let fear towards foreigners stop their mission.
Prime Minister Borisov resigned on Monday after the victory of pro-Russian Roumen Radev. Many have left the country in the last years due to the financial crisis.
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