National greatness in God’s eyes is outward focused, and rather than being the object of God’s blessing, any material prosperity was to be seen as an outworking of their obedience to God’s ways.
Reconciliation requires sacrifice; it is costly and is humbling. But it is the only way to construct the identity of a nation that fosters peace, generosity and prosperity.
Russell Moore: “We are not, first, Republicans or Democrats, conservatives or progressives. We are the church of the resurrected and triumphant Lord Jesus Christ.”
A man who thinks the whole world revolves around him has been helped into the White House by millions of evangelical Christians.
“We will deal fairly with everyone, we will seek partnership, not conflict”, he says in his first speech. Evangelicals have voted overwhelmingly for him, surveys say.
As Americans go to the voting booths to choose the candidate they hate the least, we in Europe need to brace ourselves for the outcomes.
We should be more careful when pointing to the evangelical churches of Colombia as the promoters of the “no”.
The Jubilee Centre offers an online programme that “unpacks the biblical vision for society, and introduces the idea of thinking relationally”. European students are welcomed.
In 2011, only 30% of white evangelical Protestants believed “elected officials can behave ethically even if they have committed transgressions in their personal lives”. Now 72% do, says survey.
Marcelo Crivella is nephew of Universal Church of the Kingdom of God leader Edo Maceido. The image of most ‘evangelical’ politicians in Brazil is very bad, says sociologist.
The Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom has launched the Speak Up campaign to provide a clearer picture of the legal basis to talk about Jesus. Jurist Nancy Lefèvre (France) helped to start the initiative.
Around ten million evangelicals voted in the referendum. Some analysts believe that the 'no' “was hatched at church”, but many evangelicals have publicly supported the “yes.”
Candidates supported by megachurches had good results in the local elections. But “many evangelical politicians have been more corrupt than the average”, sociologist Paul Freston explains in an interview.
In a surprise result, the “no” won by 50.2% to 49.8%. The bilateral ceasefire between government forces and the FARC will continue. Evangelical Christians were divided.
He was respected for achieving peace accords with the Palestinians.
“I am staggered that so many evangelical Christians would somehow paint a man who is a bully, who made his money by casinos, who has had several wives and several affairs, as someone that we could stand behind”.
“When you are in a place like the United States where the majority will claim to be Christians, but then look like everyone else, then people do not understand what the gospel is”. Preview of the author's interview with Evangelical Focus.
Putting to one side the hermeneutical questions around the identification of the EU with Bablyon, what is clear is that the demonization of the “other” inspires hatred not love.
Election in Crimea is questioned by many states. Only 47% of population voted. Evangelical Christians suffer under anti-evangelism law.
Two opposition candidates win seats in parliament for the first time in 20 years. A Christian believes “times are changing” in a country under pressure on many fronts.
A look at European statistics on five key biomedical issues: surrogate parenthood, gender transformation, the new eugenics, euthanasia and abortion.
The restrictive norm against the entrance of missionaries has been declared void. “We thank the government for being understanding”, evangelical representatives said.
The agreement between the government and the FARC is celebrated by many, but also criticised. Evangelicals have divergent views but are willing to get involved in the reconciliation process and to work for lasting peace.
Hundreds of participants will participate in specialised networks. The morning Bible teacher will be Prof. John Lennox and evening plenary speakers include Lindsay Brown, Leonardo De Chirico, Hans Bayer and Michael Reeves.
The extreme political right has simply developed a compelling narrative that weaves a dystopian mythology around the themes of ethnic dilution, conspiracy, migration, religious terrorism, and resource scarcity.
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