The new bill would criminalise speech that “ comments against any tenet of Islam”. Maldivian Christians are forced to practise their faith in secret.
The funding of mosques will be controlled, and he imans will receive training. 20 mosques have been shut down this year.
According to Pew Foundation, eight out of ten white evangelicals support Trump, and "cannot conceive" to vote Hillary Clinton,who has become the first female presidential candidate.
“Russian Evangelicals are not problematic and radicalised citizens and they should not be treated that way”, says Thomas Bucher, the General Secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance.
The daughter of a vicar, she attends a local Anglican church regularly. She supported gay marriage and does not like to speak about her faith in public.
More than 150 died last week in fight between President and Vice President rival armies. Sudanese Christians are being targeted.
“It’s not going to stop us from worshipping and sharing our faith. The Great Commission isn’t just for a time of freedom”, Russian evangelicals say.
Any missionary or national believer must secure a government permit to share the gospel. Letter by Christian leaders: "Vladimir [Putin], on behalf of thousands of evangelical Protestants, we ask you not to allow this repressive and unconstitutional law to be adopted."
Juncker speaks at EU Parliament plenary session in Brussels. Verhofstadt: “Negativism is the most shocking thing of what has happened in Britain, not the choice of the people.”
The PM gets one third of the votes and widens the distance with the Leftist parties. Agreement with other parties is still needed to end the half-year long political deadblock.
The danger of deciding on the basis of narrow personal or national self-interest is to overlook a whole range of possible consequences to the other parties in this set of relationships – which could then rebound on us.
“Spain, we pray for you”, believers said in a march through Madrid. Churches of many denominations gathered in other 15 cities.
Institute for Economics and Peace says global deterioration “was driven by increased terrorism and higher levels of political instability.” Europe is the most peaceful region in the world, but Ukraine is the second country whith a bigger deterioration.
More than 700 participants at the European Leadership Forum conference in Poland. Networks, seminaries and plenary sessions gave biblical perspectives on current issues. John Piper: “Prayer is central, the world does not need more Christians with powerless ministries”.
We have become increasingly accustomed to corruption in high places, and this has resulted in a cynicism towards those in power.
Christians in Politics launch #DisagreeWell. Believers should be able to talk, listen to each other, and join political parties as well as other orgnisations in society.
“Christians should be prepared to argue for positions which advance the international common good even at the apparent expense of their national interests”, Dr Jonathan Chaplin said in Amsterdam (May 8-9).
“The radicalisation of part of our youth is the most serious challenge we have faced since World War II”, says French Prime Minister Manuel Valls.
With 94 % of the vote counted, the Filipino boxer is in the seventh place among the candidates for 12 Senate seats. It was known he had becme target of jihadist group.
Kajsa Wahlberg: ‘Criminals are businessmen; they calculate profits, marketing factors and risks of getting caught before investing time and money into selling women in a particular place.’
The result is a boost for the Labour party, after generally poor results in Scotland, England and Wales. Prior to the elections, the EAUK organised a debate with all the London mayor candidates.
After Trump´s victory and Cruz´s resignation, many religious leaders have written an open letter against Trump, and Rev. Samuel Rodriguez asked him to stop his “inflammatory” commentaries.
Filipino government informs about foiled Islamist plans to kill the Christian fighter. “God is with me”, he says.
The extreme political right has simply developed a compelling narrative that weaves a dystopian mythology around the themes of ethnic dilution, conspiracy, migration, religious terrorism, and resource scarcity.
Government says it continues with plans to welcome Syrian children “by 2020.” Christian voices had called to take action now.
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