As Christians, we’re called to model humility and civility in our interactions with people of other faiths and deep interest in the issues of public concern.
The World Evangelical Alliance publishes an article by its Secretary General: “Unity does not shy away from controversy”.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance says the “Together 2023” event with Pope Francis and other heads of Christian confessions was “crossing a line”. They demand “a public discussion of the whole of World Evangelical Alliance’s constituency” on ecumenism.
There is a risk the whole conversation may become a sterile exercise when two or more experts talk to one another, losing the gospel focus healthy theology must always have.
Fifty people gathered to pray for Pakistan The Italian Evangelical Alliance asks authorities to “implement effective measures to ensure the safety of Christian minorities”.
Gen Zers believe more in heaven and hell, a survey shows.
A survey shows that while most Europeans do not believe in God, those born after 1997 in Sweden, Germany, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Hungary have more faith.
What we had heard about Italy is that there is a great need for the gospel and that there are few resources and few active gospel works. One idea is true, the other is false.
The Breccia di Roma has paid €12,000 in legal fees to defend their right to a have a recognised worship place. “As a minority, you have to work two to three times harder to access what other groups have more easily”.
His ability to “connect with the average Italian” contributed to the “demeaning of women and the spectaculisation of politics”. Three evangelical leaders shared their views with Evangelical Focus.
The politician and media tycoon was the post-modern embodiment of what Augustine meant when talking about the danger of ‘amor sui’ as opposed to ‘amor Dei’.
Keller knew church planting in Europe is hard. Take heart, European leader!
Spanish Christian geographer Miguel Wickham analyses the severe drought that is hitting Southern Europe.
The emigration of Argentinians to Italy increased lately. The search for opportunities and the missionary call among the reasons to return for Christian families.
Evangelicals in the region mobilise on the ground. “We desire to help our brothers in Christ and be useful for the community”.
France, Spain, Germany and Ukraine are mentioned in the 2023 USCIRF report, which was criticised for its way of addressing the persecution of Christians in Nigeria.
A family from Chernihiv (Ukraine) has been staying at Rosa’s home in Northern Italy for a year now. “For the girls, I’m their Italian grandmother”.
Small children on the boat have either died or disappeared. The boat set out from Turkey and carrying 200 people.
Lucio Malan was asked to explain his opposition to same-sex marriage and quoted the Old Testament. He is a member of the Protestant Waldesian Church but disagrees with its liberal approach to sexual morality.
More than 13,200 filled the venue in Milan. 600 responded to the gospel message in the region were the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital saved lives in the early stages of the 2020 Covid-19 breakout.
Giorgia Meloni says she will try to restore the country’s pride. She opposes gender ideology, liberal abortion laws, and has a hard stance on immigration.
As the September general election approaches, the President of the Italian Evangelical Alliance warns that “some evangelicals are easily ‘pulled by the jacket’ in politics”.
Let us seize the occasion of the elections not to feed evangelical indifference, but to prepare ourselves to be spiritually alert and culturally equipped.
The post had been vacant for 10 months.
Christians should be known for their ability to analyse cultural narratives, especially those that appeal to Christian values.
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