In June 2024, the Nurses Christian Fellowship International will gather in Spain for the first in-person global gathering in eight years.
In Argentina, rather than a change of government or political direction, we need a cultural change.
The ‘Being Black in the EU’ survey shows that the cases of racial discrimination increased from 39% to 45% in 5 years. Only 9% are reported.
Speaking to a Christian a reporter, the PSOE praised the work of evangelical churches among migrants, the PP valued their dialogue, and Vox spoke of their moral coherence and ability to create strong communities.
In June, thousands of young Christians in France were challenged to courageously let their faith shine for others to see. One month later, riots erupted in many cities.
The evangelical entity launches a document addressing ten issues of general interest , to give a biblical perspective and encourage evangelicals to “vote wisely”.
Jonas Engström, director of the Stockholm Gospel Choir Festival: “This is both my way of living and sharing my faith”.
Luis Enrique Camarena received the recognition from the government for “being a bridge between the state and the church to foster constructive dialogues that resolve conflicts”.
Opportunities for complaint can also be opportunities to bear good witness and improve our relationships with those around us.
Almost fifty nurses participated in the event, under the theme 'Leadership in uncertain times'.
“Humanity lies in refusing to give in to demographic, lobbyist or economic pressures that call for facilitating early death", says the National Council of Evangelicals in France.
Swedish Board of Health warns that “care has been characterised by a lack of knowledge about the results of treatment” and recommends “to be given in the context of research”.
Official data show a slight upturn in abortions. 90% of them were “at the woman's request”.
Iceland and other Nordic countries are among the most dependent. Portugal, UK and Spain double the consumption in two decades.
You may love preaching and want to preach every week, but I think it would be wise to schedule a break here and there.
Eastern countries have the highest rates in Europe. Pioneer plans to prevent suicide are started in countries like Spain, where the incidence has been growing among young women.
The Health Ministry congratulates itself for having “helped people to die with dignity”. One month ago, the government replaced 11 of the 12 experts of the public bioethics committee that criticised the law last year.
For those serving in Christian ministry, Long Covid has not only paused their work. The uncertainty and exhaustion has also raised questions about their personal faith.
A study shows that 26% of pastors have personally struggled with mental issues. Most leaders talk about mental health at church and feel equipped to provide help.
In July, the National Health System of the UK closed the controversial gender clinic in London after a medical review found that treatments such as puberty blockers put children “at considerable risk”.
The organisation will release an update of the manual for health managers which states that “sex is not limited to male or female”.
There were 107 legal abortions in 2021, 90% less than the previous year. “The biggest problem now is illegal abortions using pills”, pro-life groups warn.
Official data show that 53% were fully performed at home. The government is planning to make those abortions permanent, like in England and Wales.
Among the changes, which will cost the state 104 million euros, it will allow minors aged 16 and 17 to carry out abortions without authorisation.
A report shows that there were 2,699 deaths from euthanasia in 2021, an increase of 10.39%. Most of them were performed at home to patients over 70.
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