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Christian nurses and midwives get ready for a world congress in Málaga

In June 2024, the Nurses Christian Fellowship International will gather in Spain for the first in-person global gathering in eight years.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus MALAGA 21 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2023 15:05 h
Photo: [link]Laura James[/link], Pexels, CC0.

Málaga (Spain) will host the next world congress of Christian nurses and midwifes, in June 2024.

Under the theme “Strength and courage to care – God’s love and resources for nurses and midwifes”, the global gathering of the Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI) will seek to offer in-person fellowship between professionals, seminars, roundtables on specific challenges in the workplace, and Bible teaching.

“If you are a nurse or midwife, or if you are a student of these careers, I encourage you to attend this conference and be part of this professional Christian network that God places around the world to spread his love”, said Anne Biro, president of the NCFI.


Programme, abstracts and registration

The programme of the congress (27-30 June) and the pre-congress (24-26) includes speakers from countries such as the Spain, USA, Haiti, Ghana, England or Canada.

Abstracts of presentations or posters on clinical practice, education, leadership or research are being collected. The gathering will have time for workshops, networking, and a Spanish cultural night.

“As nurses and midwives, we have a unique professional background that unites us. Fellowship among us is therefore important for building one another up as we seek to integrate the Christian faith into our professional work”, said Biro. “Together we complement each other by sharing our different gifts and resources (Romans 12:3-8). Together we are stronger (Ecclesiastes 4:12)”.

The world congress in Spain will be the first to happen in-person since 2016.

An “early bird” registration for the gathering is open until 30 January.


More about NCFI

NCFI is a community of Christian nurses around the world “who live out their faith at work and know that they are on mission – God’s mission”. Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI) has provided support, resources, and encouragement for Christian nurses for more than 60 years.

It promotes the advance of a Christian worldview and way of living in nursing practice, education, research, and leadership, and it provides a worldwide voice for Christian nursing.

The national groups of nurses and midwives, as well as the international fellowship, seek to share “knowledge, fellowship, friendship, and networking through regional conferences, the World Congress, online groups, prayer, and courses”.

It is the NCFI’s hope “that nurses and midwives will be strengthened to a blessing to those they work with: patients, community people, colleagues, and students”.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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