The consequences of neglecting our responsibility to each other and our shared home are no longer distant, they are here now, and the church cannot wait any longer to act.
Ryüsuke Hamaguchi returned to the big screen with Evil Does Not Exist (2023), a deep and unsettling drama. A review by Jonatán Soriano.
Every day, every moment, we can decide who we are going to obey in relation to nature and created beings.
Vaughan Roberts reminded that the biblical truth about sexuality is “good news”. Other major contemporary challenges - social inequality, poverty, climate change - were addressed on the first full day at Lausanne 4 in South Korea.
Christians need to “anchor their action in in-depth biblical reflection”, says Marjorie Legendre, one of the twelve authors of a new book that connects current issues and evangelical faith.
The survey shows that UK people of faith are “especially sceptical regarding both climate change existence and its man-made causes”.
“Christian faith is a motivating factor for social justice commitment”, says a study published by StopPoverty and Interaction.
In Spain, a group of Christians involved in creation care have published recommendations for both local churches and individual believers.
The drought affects 34.5% of the Spanish territory. Christian geographer Michael Wickham analyses the water crisis that hits the Mediterranean region of Europe.
In a central place of the ‘Blue Zone’ in Dubai, 50 faith groups organise dozens of events. Evangelical environmentalists told Evangelical Focus what they plan to do at the large UN conference.
A survey in France shows that 76% of evangelicals know of Bible passages related to environmental care. Jean-François Mouhot (A Rocha) sees “a generational change in the churches”.
In France, evangelical Christians are more engaged than others in ecological matters. But some are also suspicious about ideological trends, a survey has found. We asked Jean-François Mouhot, director of A Rocha, about creation care, theology and churches.
A “first of its kind” survey conducted in France shows that evangelicals are more interested in environmental care than the average population.
The core issue may not be AI itself, but rather the prevailing practices and thought patterns. An article by Shuk Ling Chan.
An interview with Argentinian climate scientist Fernando Primo Forgioni, a committed Christian. “My generation was the last to be brought up with conceptions of an infinite world in which environmental problems were a secondary issue”.
It is estimated that around 3,500 hectares were affected by the fire. “Part of our task is to bring consolation, truth and hope to the people”, the local evangelical pastor says.
Spanish Christian geographer Miguel Wickham analyses the severe drought that is hitting Southern Europe.
Bruce Nicholls gives a rapid overview of the issue of climate change and then concentrates on the Christian response.
A study on how Evangelical Alliance websites across Europe adress climate change, climate crisis and creation care.
Energy, inflation, environmental degradation and the call for simpler living.
These special beetles defend themselves by bombing their enemies. They can set off small explosions of irritating chemicals intended to deter potential predators. Hence their name.
Three Christian voices comment on the UN Climate Conference in the United Arab Emirates at the end of 2023. “It is vital that we end the fossil fuel industry’s influence over climate policy”.
As we focus on the mind-stretching story of the Creator entering into his creation as a human infant, let’s worship him with heart, head and hands this Christmas.
The WEA participated in the UN Biodiversity Conference, where 188 countries approved “measures deemed critical to addressing the dangerous loss of biodiversity”.
Matthias Boehning shares his impressions after attending the COP27 global climate conference in Egypt. He represented the World Evangelical Alliance.
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