A mental model for the missiology of risk.
Nothing can give our body greater rest than when it is in contact with our Creator.
When it comes to the decisions needed in a world gripped by a pandemic, is there anywhere in the scriptures which casts a more nuanced light?
God is very clear, either you are or you are not. There are not “almost” believers.
Malawi will have a government led by the former president of Assemblies of God. “We are excited to have a respected man of God as the head of state”, says Christian leader Matilda Matabwa.
God said that our mind should be full of everything pleasant (Phillipians 4:8).
Lazarus Chakwera won after 13 months of street protests related to the 2019 elections. “I accept this call to serve you for I am duty bound to God”, he said.
People need to have more exposure to God’s self-revelation in the Bible, not less.
There is only one possibility of restoration: coming before God.
Christian counsellor, Emoke Tapolyai, warns about “the culture that feeds young people with the lie of `you can have it all´”, and analyses how to help them cope with the anxiety that it brings.
Nobody does any more important work than those who pray for others.
The president of the French Evangelical Alliance, Christian Blanc, spent one month in the hospital infected with the coronavirus. “We must incarnate the gospel by being closer to the poor and the sick”.
God created us with an incredible set of emotions to help drive us through the challenges of life, but He never intended us to travel that path alone.
We must not permit anything to live inside us that is contrary to the will of God.
Is the present pandemic simply God’s judgment to punish evil? Or does it, on the other hand, have nothing to do with God, because He can only show love?
Whatever the realm is you’re walking in for the first time: you’re marking out a path for the next person.
God hasn’t abandoned His broken project. He hasn’t left us in our brokenness. He has actually joined us in our suffering.
God has placed people with more wisdom at our side to help us in difficult moments.
‘I’d like to experience things with God too!’... whines my little lad and, on a whim, he grabs the Bible and reads at random these words of Jesus: ‘...Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened....’
As Christians in today’s culture, we need to have an awareness of the competing gods of digital Babylon. If we actively serve the gods of Europe, we may in the end find ourselves not worshiping the God of the Universe.
Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
Jesus died to set us all free from the righteous judgment of God against sin, to buy us out of our slavery to sin.
His story can change our story, because our story only makes sense when we understand His.
Nothing can compare to the security of our relationship with him and the peace that he puts in our hearts.
Both authors wrote the books at the end of March. “Christians are able to feel peace, even in an uncertain world”, says Lennox. Piper wants to “provide a God centred place to stand in such fragile times”.
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