Spanish evangelicals denounce that “fundamental freedoms are at risk”, due to “authoritarian” legislative initiatives and “demand for all the right to think differently and to freely express it”.
Connie Main Duarte (Portugal) and Jan Wessels (Netherlands) will succeed Thomas Bucher in October 2022.
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance regrets “grievous mistakes in the past” but opposes a law that could limit the freedom of people to seek help according their religious convictions.
In Ukraine, prayer gatherings multiply in the face of “stress and fear”. In Russia, evangelical leaders call for mediation.
The law of 2018 worried evangelical Christians, as it strongly limited religious activities outdoors and limited faith expressions of civil servants.
The evangelical body warns that “everyone must take responsibility for their decisions”. Maintaining unity in the churches is a matter of addressing the Covid-19 debates with “spiritual sobriety”.
In Fall of 2021 the Russian Defense Ministry officially invited the Russian Evangelical Alliance to provide Evangelical Pastors for military chaplaincy.
The government said over 8,000 people have been detained. The President refused to negotiate a peaceful solution of the crisis.
The initiative responds to a concern over several attacks on freedom of expression. It will be called the "Forum of Elah".
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance invites churches “to dedicate a Sunday service to reflect on children in need", under the theme ‘To leave no child behind’.
Katalin Novák has been the Family Minister of Viktor Orbán’s government. She says her faith is central to her understanding of a “family friendly Hungary”.
“We stand ready to support a peace and reconciliation process, particularly engaging our regional branch, the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA)”, said Thomas Schirrmacher.
Indoor church gatherings with over 100 participants can only allow people who have been vaccinated. The Swedish Evangelical Alliance says it restricts religious freedom.
In November, a senior UN official told civil society, “You need to insist, repeat yourself, send letters to the UN, keep reminding us”.
The company, the celebrations and the worship can bring a special blessing for people living with dementia.
Three evangelical leaders in Switzerland speak about the tensions in churches caused by opposing views. A respectful dialogue seems to be the only way to maintain unity.
There are thousands of policy influencers in the Brussels Bubble. It could definitely do with some Biblical truth and wisdom. Thank God we are not alone in this, but it can still feel quite overwhelming at times.
The government party drives the conversation about abolition. Evangelicals hope such a law will move forward, but demand a deeper social change.
On 14th November the centenary was celebrated in the Igreja do Mirante, the oldest evangelical church in Porto.
“Those who are already stuck on either side of the border must receive urgent and adequate humanitarian aid”, says the evangelical body as it appeals to “Europe's Judaeo-Christian values of human dignity, justice, compassion and solidarity”.
The meeting of the Spanish evangelical youth leaders brought together over 100 participants to strengthen ties and reflect on the challenges of youth ministry.
“Surrogacy should not be authorised or legalised”, says the evangelical entity, which denounces that “it attacks women and children human rights”.
The embassy invited the leaders of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and the Association of Free Churches. The US will soon release its list of countries of particular concern.
Our relationships with those who impose sanctions and those who suffer sanctions must be shaped not by our respective authorities but by the will and calling of our Savior.
The European Evangelical Alliance calls on Evangelicals to pray for “the area of Europe where the Church suffers the most: the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine” during the IDOP.
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