Three evangelical leaders in Switzerland speak about the tensions in churches caused by opposing views. A respectful dialogue seems to be the only way to maintain unity.
There are thousands of policy influencers in the Brussels Bubble. It could definitely do with some Biblical truth and wisdom. Thank God we are not alone in this, but it can still feel quite overwhelming at times.
The government party drives the conversation about abolition. Evangelicals hope such a law will move forward, but demand a deeper social change.
On 14th November the centenary was celebrated in the Igreja do Mirante, the oldest evangelical church in Porto.
“Those who are already stuck on either side of the border must receive urgent and adequate humanitarian aid”, says the evangelical body as it appeals to “Europe's Judaeo-Christian values of human dignity, justice, compassion and solidarity”.
The meeting of the Spanish evangelical youth leaders brought together over 100 participants to strengthen ties and reflect on the challenges of youth ministry.
“Surrogacy should not be authorised or legalised”, says the evangelical entity, which denounces that “it attacks women and children human rights”.
The embassy invited the leaders of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and the Association of Free Churches. The US will soon release its list of countries of particular concern.
Our relationships with those who impose sanctions and those who suffer sanctions must be shaped not by our respective authorities but by the will and calling of our Savior.
The European Evangelical Alliance calls on Evangelicals to pray for “the area of Europe where the Church suffers the most: the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine” during the IDOP.
Christians and churches worldwide will join for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Christians on November 7 and 14.
WEA Advocacy Officer Wissam al-Saliby, talks with Chris Elisara, Director of the Creation Care Taskforce at the WEA, about the evangelical role at the upcoming COP26.
Evangelicals in Portugal, Germany and Italy strive to be salt and light and build bridges with society through their socio-political work.
Let us pray and work that we will be found as the ones who have cared for the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the prisoner.
The WEA organised a virtual event to evaluate the impact of unilateral sanctions on churches and aid organizations worldwide and gives recommendations on how to overcome it.
We have made evangelism a personality type. We have made witnessing a job, when actually every Christian is a witness - or an imposter.
36% voted ‘no’ in the referendum. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance expresses “sadness” over an outcome that “puts desires of adults over rights of children”.
There has been a growing awareness of the need for a journal that could serve Spanish-speaking regions, such as Latin America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
The facilities of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and two pro-life associations were vandalised ahead of the March For Life. There have been many similar incidents in the country in recent years.
“Abortion should never be a human right”, one speaker said. Counter-protests organised by far-left groups tried to disrupt the march in both countries.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance expresses doubts about the “disproportionate restriction of fundamental freedoms”. Two pastors on the ground also express their doubts.
Us Evangelicals are going to get into more and more trouble throughout Europe in the years ahead. But I hope it is always because God is doing something amazing, not because we were irresponsible.
Costa Rican evangelical leaders gathered to thank God for two hundred years of independent life and to pray for the country.
A resource prepared by the European Evangelical Alliance helps to think through ways in which Christians can engage responsibly with election times.
We need to stand firmly on God’s Word. We need to be prepared to stand out in our culture. If that makes us social lepers, we have got to deal with it. We have got to be braver than we have ever been.
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