Why the UK Evangelical Alliance is standing against abusive practices and defending religious freedom.
The conference organised by IFES Europe will take place next December in Karlsruhe, Germany, under the theme “Revive our hearts, revive our universities, revive Europe”.
Daniel R. Patterson lectures in theology and ethics at St. Trivelius Institute in Sofia (Bulgaria).
A call to global prayer. An article by Jacob Daniel.
Christians in Sport (UK) are organising online Bible studies. Believers are called to “stay in the club and care for the teammates”.
Suddenly we have all realised our common vulnerability. Never in human history has our common fate been shown to be so interlinked.
In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, many may be forced to experiment with this kind of work in the coming months.
The gahtering of the Graduates Bible Groups in Spain challenged Christians professionals to share the beauty of the Christian faith with their coworkers - with excellence, respect and responsibility.
The conservative candidate got 48.7% of the votes, but the difference between the two parties is less that 30,000 votes. Final results will be announced at the end of the week.
If we look through the history of the church, we see time and time again that Christians have stood up in the public sphere as agents of change for the good of society. We need such people now.
The three years since the vote to leave the EU have shown the heightened impact of speech on political culture and how that flows into society and community relations.
Around 70 participants from all over Spain joined to work and pray together, reflecting about how the Bible gives answers to questions of the new generations.
Athletes in Action film “Struggle and Triumph” shows how the faith of Olympians Lauryn Williams, Daniel Dias, Li Yan and Wilson Kipsang helps them to overcome the struggles and find their true identity in Christ.
Breaking free from the lens of white culture in global mission.
The five Supreme Court judges unanimously upheld Ashers’ appeal against claims of discrimination. “This is a win for everyone”, The UK Evangelical Alliance says in a statement.
It is easy to understand why many seek to escape by submerging themselves in virtual worlds - places where one can become what they have always dreamed of being.
The legal entity names new directors for its two media projects: Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital.
A recent EBF Mission Partnership conference in Georgia sought to ‘encourage, and inspire in ministry’ a group of indigenous church planters from Eastern Europe.
Key doctrines that characterize the church’s preaching during seasons of revival.
We are free, in Christ, to be all that God had originally intended us to be. Christians should be shouting the news that equality is part of God’s intended plan.
“We have always said it was never about the customer, it was about the message”, the McArthur family said. Judges state that refusing the order “was direct discrimination”. 9 out of 10 evangelical Christians support the family, says survey.
Ahead of their appearance at the Court of Appeal, the Baking Company’s General Manager, Daniel MacArthur, said: “The gospel says that we are all sinners, and God is the great judge.”
An evangelical association in Barcelona will send 4 trucks to Idomeni and other refugee camps in Greece. Many media reported about the project.
A Spanish evangelical church brought 3,500 pairs of shoes to a Croatian refugee camp. “People are relieved but also disappointed, they have not found the open arms they expected from Europe.”
Even if I make good and beneficial decisions for myself, my heart doesn’t always back them up and, what’s worse, it will end up desiring the exact opposite.
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