Even when you are not in a leadership position, your primary role is the responsibility for yourself before you help others.
Scientists from Imperial College London and Berkeley University warn that “the risk of a second wave happening if all precautions are abandoned is very real”.
According to a CID Gallup survey, 44% of Salvadorans identify as evangelical, and 38% as Catholic. “In just one generation, the Catholic Church has lost 17% of its members”.
Roxana Stanciu (CARE) analyses hate speech and how can Christians respond to it. “Christians should be ready to be offended and to engage in meaningful conversations”.
Repeated Al-Shabaab attacks in the northern regions have provoked the government's military response. “When Islamists attack, they attack everyone, without discriminating”.
We must not permit anything to live inside us that is contrary to the will of God.
Is the present pandemic simply God’s judgment to punish evil? Or does it, on the other hand, have nothing to do with God, because He can only show love?
A Christian is someone who has been both born into and adopted into God’s family.
The British actress speaks about her relationship with the Word: “It brings your mind back into alignment of what God wants you to be”.
In Nigeria, CBM members are working with disabled people’s organisations and media organisations to provide sign-language interpretation for vital health messages and updates.
The World Evangelical Alliance laments “the recent killing of a black unarmed man, a symptom of the racial injustice that continues to exist”. Furthermore, the body representing 42,000 US churches also calls “for justice for victims and their families”.
The release of imprisoned Christians was part of the regime’s efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus, not an indication of a change of policy.
Although we have not been saved by our good works, the Bible says that they are the result of our salvation.
Efraim Tendero will end his task in front of the World Evangelical Alliance in early 2021, after six years of service.
What should happen as restrictions are loosened and as impatience for normality grows? Can Christians continue to promote both freedom and responsibility?
God hasn’t abandoned His broken project. He hasn’t left us in our brokenness. He has actually joined us in our suffering.
Unable to return to her home in western Uganda due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, Rehema Kyomuhendo was in the eastern part of the country when she first heard about Christ.
It is crucial to understand that the Roma are not homogenous but are different minority groups dispersed over numerous countries and continents.
God has placed people with more wisdom at our side to help us in difficult moments.
As Christians in today’s culture, we need to have an awareness of the competing gods of digital Babylon. If we actively serve the gods of Europe, we may in the end find ourselves not worshiping the God of the Universe.
Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
Meanwhile in California, thousands of churches plan to restart public services on Pentecost Sunday, regardless of what the governor of the state says.
Animists in various villages harass Christians who refuse to renounce their faith.
The task force, which has come to light more than six years after the Supreme Court forced its constitution, has already drawn criticism.
Nothing can compare to the security of our relationship with him and the peace that he puts in our hearts.
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