German police detain four men and shut down a dark web platform that had over 400,000 users from around the world.
Over 55,000 children have been killed in the Syrian war. A report estimates that the cost of the war is already over US$ 1.2 trillion.
The girl was allegedly kidnapped by three Muslims from the family’s home and forcibly converted to Islam.
Most of the victims are minors and the abuses happened mainly in schools of the Roman Catholic order. “We want to learn to apologise for the abuses, for the culture of silence, for not dealing with the facts cleanly”.
The Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse's report denounces that “the Church of England failed to protect children and young people”. The Church responds: “We are truly sorry for the shameful way we have acted”.
Big companies are using the confinement to attract new consumers. The Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity and other six platforms call to protect children and fight human trafficking.
The decision would allow the Vatican to hand over documents concerning crimes against children. Survivors associations respond with caution.
According to the police, the person under arrest is acused of sexually assaulting a 17 year old girl inside the church building. Neither the pastor nor the community are part of the Spanish Federation of Evangelical Entities.
The working party in charge of studying the implication of the seal in the context of protecting children from abuse did not reach a consensus. The Church of England has been criticised because of this decision.
Images of child rape are available online long after the victims are rescued, the Internet Watch Foundation said in a recent report. “The cause of the problem is the demand”.
According to a ComRes survey, only 46% of those who identify with the Christian faith believe in the Easter message. The poll also quizzed people on their views around forgiveness.
Spanish evangelical psychologists and teachers gathered to analyse the challenges of new technologies and the latest trends in sex education in schools.
The ministry is the work of God and we cannot “protect” His work by trying to conceal our sin. The Lord calls us to confess and be transparent.
“The summit has not given signs that the Roman Church will become transparent and honest about its sins and shortcomings”, says Leonardo De Chirico, Vatican expert and evangelical pastor in Rome.
“The sad situation of the Catholic Church is a warning”, says the President of the National Council of Evangelicals in France.
“As a nation we confront our failure to listen, to believe, and to provide justice. We say sorry”, Scott Morrison said in a public speech at the Parliament.
The sexual abuse crisis has been on the table in a dramatically growing way since the years of Benedict XVI. The problem is systemic and pervasive.
“This is a social problem, and the church as the body of Christ can be an answer”, says María Mercedes Páez, coordinator of pro-life organisation Aesvida.
Three universities have researched the cases implicating 1,670 priests in sexual abuse. Most victims were male and 13 years old or younger.
When we meet them, we begin by showing them that there is a way of hope, because they all want to get out of their situation.
Helping survivors of human trafficking in Thailand
The most viewed television broadcaster falsely accused an evangelical pastor of pederasty.
Telecinco links the church leader to a police macro-operation against child pornography. Evangelical representatives ask the national tv broadcaster to rectify publicly.
“Ignorance and the lack of resources cause many people to remain isolated”, psychologist Silvia Villares says. She has organised a forum with experts.
The archbishop of Canterbury answered the questions of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. “The Bible is utterly, brutally blunt about the difference between forgiveness and the consequences of sin”.
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