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Jesuits admit to abusing over a hundred people in Spain since 1927

Most of the victims are minors and the abuses happened mainly in schools of the Roman Catholic order. “We want to learn to apologise for the abuses, for the culture of silence, for not dealing with the facts cleanly”.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BARCELONA 26 DE ENERO DE 2021 12:29 h
A Jesuit school in Barcelona. / Wikimedia Commons.

In a report recently released, the Roman Catholic order of the Jesuits has admitted to having sexually abused 118 people in Spain, since 1927 to the present day.

According to the document, most of the victims (81) were minors at the time they were abused, although it also mentions cases of adults (37). Up to 96 Jesuits committed sexual abuse, just over 1% of the order's members since 1927. Most of the abuse took place in schools and educational centres.

Of those accused of sexual abuse, 48 have died and 17 are still alive, although four of them are no longer Jesuits and the other thirteen are removed from contact with minors and awaiting the resolution of canonical or civil proceedings.

We are filled with pain, shame and regret. We want to learn to apologise to the victims and to society for the abuses, for the culture of silence, for not dealing with the facts cleanly”, the provincial superior of the Society of Jesus in Spain, Antonio España, pointed out.

The order acknowledges that they “have participated in the culture of silencing the abuses, and that “has been a way of perpetuating the damage”. The report is part of their effort to be “accountable for the past”.


“Improper conduct, touching and sexual intercourse”

The practices defined by the report as abuses, “range from verbal abuse to improper conduct, touching or in some cases sexual intercourse”, explained Jesuit Media Secretary, José M. Rodríguez.

Most of the complaints of abuse of minors (21) date from the 1960s and 1970s. Andalusia is the region with the most cases (12), followed by the Basque Country (7), Catalonia, (6) and Navarre (5).

As for the abuse against adults, the report shows that there are 8 Jesuits accused and that all the complaints were filled between 2010 and 2020, on cases that took place between 1979 and 2016. Madrid is the region where most cases have been registered (13), followed by the Basque Country (5) and Castilla-La Mancha (4).


“Washing dirty linen at home is not the right way”

According to the Spanish association Stolen Childhood, it is important to “recognise the fact that a religious order is accepting responsibility”, although they point out that it is “incomplete and insufficient”.

“We want to insist on a clear and transparent policy, with reports on how they are taking care of the victims; with impartial and external monitoring of the actions taken, rigorous control of paedophiles and actions to denounce them in the ordinary justice system. Washing dirty linen at home is not the right way”, they stressed.

Furthermore, they offer to collaborate in the “prevention and conflict resolution of these terrible crimes against children and teenagers”.




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21:25 h
Incredibly sad and utterly horrible. For doubtless years these clerics have abused and denied the truth of their sin. There is no excuse they all need to be defrocked and exposed and prosecuted. They also need to make reparations and know how much they are guilty and led to repentance. Such file behaviour.

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