The conference drew about 90 delegates from across Europe. Scientists, theologians, activists reflected together on the theme “God’s Word and God’s World”.
A quick introduction to Credobaptism.
Glynn Harrison speaks on the beauty of God's plan for sex and analyses the impacts of the Sexual Revolution.
“Ask the artist to help you design the service”, says Charles David Kelley in an interview about the role of artists and how their approach to culture can add much to churches.
In creation care, “we need more people who lead by example”, says well-known Brazilian politician and activist Marina Silva.
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance launches a document “to empower Christians to plan an eco-friendly event that glorifies God and benefits all of creation”.
A doctor visiting the Dominican Republic shares his thoughts after the storm.
The German Evangelical Alliance issues a guide for the national election and encourages churches to “seek direct dialogue” with candidates.
About 90 people will attend the European creation care conference near Nice (France). “Churches have been lacking a vision that puts creation care at the heart of daily discipleship, worship and mission”, says Dave Bookless.
The US withdrawal will make climate change solutions more difficult, and climate catastrophe more likely. The decision is unjust, immoral and unworthy of a great nation.
Why Christians reject Pantheism, Deism and Dualism.
Miguel Wickham comments on the United States decision to leave the Paris Agreement and encourages Christians to commit themselves to the biblical mandate of stewardship.
The US may have left the Paris climate agreement, but Christians cannot avoid their responsibility in preserving God’s creation, says Antonio Cruz.
The common deer (Cervus elaphus) often appears in the Bible as an illustration.
Political and religious leaders heavily criticise the decision. France, Germany and Italy reject Trump’s assertion that the climate deal can be redrafted.
Spanish evangelicals launch a series of videos explaining how the Reformation has impacted society. In July, Madrid will host the “15J”, a week with a Congress, evangelism and concerts to commemorate the 500th anniversary.
How philosophy and science point to a personal Creator.
The Renew Our World campaign is “calling on Christians worldwide to join in prayer and action to respond to the negative consequences of climate change.”
Jamil, a former Muslim: “Yemenis follow Christ with all their hearts. There is no way back. We all know that. Becoming a Christian will cost you much”.
Young Markus had been an ambitious Muslim. He studied in an Islamic university led by his father and his mission was to reach out to Christian youth and lead them to the “right path”.
The police and Islamic religious authorities in these countries are highly vigilant against any attempts by Christians to reach Malay Muslims with the gospel.
The situation of Christians in North Korea does not seem to have improved during this past year.
Churches are forbidden in Saudi Arabia, and converting from Islam is punished with decapitation.
In the region, almost 40% of the Protestant churches have become secret churches. “We do not want to be associated with anything illegal and our desire is to be law-abiding citizens”.
The number of believers of Muslim background has increased radically in the Horn of Africa, despite the high costs associated with the decision of leaving Islam to follow Christ whole-heartedly.
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