I don’t want to condemn the church in the 1930s without acknowledging how easily cowed the church in the 2020s might prove to be.
Christians from Germany, Spain and Italy comment on how passionately Euro 2024 is being followed in their respective countries. There are fewer players on the field with a public faith than in the past.
Society may be conditioned to support an approved narrative, but we are called to be men and women of truth.
Believers in England, Poland and Switzerland describe how churches connect football and the gospel and point to players known for being committed Christians.
Chris Führich represents Germany at the Euro 2024 with a quiet time routine he tries to follow every morning and evening. Also Benjamin Heinrichs is a committed Christian.
I’d like to ponder what Nazi Germany might mean for how we preach and influence both church and society in our tumultuous times.
Aglow held its largest conference ever in the Southern European country, providing a space for encounter, reflection and evangelical unity around the gospel.
From the UN's views on LGBT issues and religious freedom to evangelical movements in Europe tackling issues of the day. These are the ten stories you've read and shared the most this year.
Over 600 teenagers attended XØ2023 in Madrid, a space where they could ask their questions and receive answers centred on Jesus.
“If suicide is already a taboo subject, it is even more invisible in the socially vulnerable population”, said organisers of a conference.
Miguel Lara and Rosa Burguera of the band Sal150 have written a book about mourning the loss of their 22-year-old daughter.
There is “extreme persecution” in 10 countries in Africa and the Middle East, says Open Doors. Elsewhere, worrying trends are observed in key geopolitical actors such as India, Saudi Arabia and China.
Among the most read, Christian reactions from Ukraine as the Russian invasion unfolded, the trial of a Christian politician in Finland, and the death of the British Queen.
The long-awaited global conference of the Anglican Communion closed with calls to unity but theologically conservative bishops say the church cannot have “two or three doctrines”.
Different voices open our hearts and help us overcome little biases that might be lodged in our experience and church traditions.
The muted voices of the church in Europe were heard more prominently in Lausanne Europe 20/21 than at any other European evangelical gathering, but we still have work to do.
Over 800 women participated in person and the conference was also available online.
Anna Lara Burguera used to sing in her parents’ band Sal150 (Psalm 150) and was very involved in her local church.
With Jim Memory and Usha Reifsnider at the helm, Lausanne Europe gets a dynamic leadership team, as diverse as the continent itself.
Let’s hold our resolutions with a very loose grip, but squeeze tightly on the hand of Him who holds us, our families, our ministries and our year ahead in the palm of His hand.
Eyes were opened to new perspectives ears were opened to the often-muted voices of women, youth, and diaspora Christians in Europe.
The first believers brought Jesus to people who had never heard his name / They came with good news, and those wanting, longing found rest in the presence of the gospel lived out.
A moving video poem about the origins and the future of Europe and the church. Produced by Philip Barry for the Lausanne Europe 20/21 Gathering.
Sometimes we need to risk sticking our heads out over the parapet to look beyond our own church, organisation, neighbourhood or nation.
The Lausanne Europe Online Gathering was the first major Lausanne conference in Europe since the original congress called by Billy Graham in Lausanne Switzerland in 1974.
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