In 1972, a thousand young people from around the world joined YWAM’s first Olympic Games Outreach in Munich, with many continuing on into longer-term missions.
The most important time of each day is the time that you dedicate to being alone with your Creator.
A group of researchers discovered that certain arborical ant species use surprising algorithms to solve the problem of finding the shortest route.
The decision was taken at a special online session with 40 votes in favour, 20 against and 2 abstentions. It won’t be finalized until 2025.
An accessible bible study series journeying with Jesus through the three times he was tempted by the devil.
Pedro Augusto Vidal, director of a Portuguese automation services company, shares his story and the principles that have driven his business.
Church planting in the inland villages of Spain.
Seek to define the values of the church and aspire to be a church that God will trust with newcomers and new believers.
Several people were fined for quoting "Thou shalt not kill" publicly. Parliament passed a draft law to punish the spreading of “false information” about Russian army.
Jeffery Woodke was kidnapped by a group linked to the Islamic State. French journalist Olivier Dubois, kidnapped in 2021, has also been released.
We Christians are called to act as reconcilers in an unreconciled world, in the midst of the entangled positions of the enemies.
Irene Lopez, a Christian teacher at the school in Mavrovouni camp in Lesbos, analyses the current situation of refugees and their needs.
Women from the European Council for Theological Education join to share and encourage each other. Plans for developing a network are underway.
The song The Servant King is about the radical revelation of a God who came, ‘not be served but to serve’; and who calls us to do the same.
Almost fifty nurses participated in the event, under the theme 'Leadership in uncertain times'.
A family from Chernihiv (Ukraine) has been staying at Rosa’s home in Northern Italy for a year now. “For the girls, I’m their Italian grandmother”.
Without the constant renewal of Christ’s peace in our hearts, our emphasis on simple living may be purely a matter of economics and even politics.
To be meek means renouncing your own rights, always being willing to help. It means being a little more like Jesus.
“We are not against sanctions but for human rights”, says the World Evangelical Alliance representative at the UN Human Rights Council.
Almost 3,000 people requested euthanasia in 2022. Most were over 70 and had terminal cancer, but 17% “were not expected to die in the foreseeable future”, says official report.
Write down what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what maybe you could be rewarded for.
The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, accepts the proposal to review “inappropriate” materials as asked for by a Christian parliamentarian.
The Christian “Elements of Rock” weekend was first held in 2004. This year it will have rockers from Sweden, Netherlands and the UK.
What does the text say? What does the text mean? What should the text stir? This is the Bible study process.
The protests helped reverse a 'foreign agent' law that would have had a negative impact on churches, say evangelicals in the Eastern European country.
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