Miguel Lara and Rosa Burguera of the band Sal150 have written a book about mourning the loss of their 22-year-old daughter.
What are the challenges posed by the exponential evolution of AI in recent months, and should we be optimistic about the future? Computer scientist Charlie Catlett, a researcher of the internet since the early days in the 1990s, answers key questions.
In God’s team there is incomparable happiness, joy, triumph, and beauty, but there are also a lot of tears.
The shark has built-in software to know when to change direction, how to hunt a particular prey, escape a predator, among many other actions.
Six French cities held an event full of music, testimonies and prayers, to “share God's love and the message of salvation with those who do not yet know him”.
The German international Felix Nmecha could soon land in Borussia Dortmund. But some fans are not happy for the player’s view on LGBT issues.
An interview with Pete Lupton of NePornu (Czech Republic).
Pete Lupton, of the Czech Christian ministry NePornu: “The gospel offers grace to those hooked”.
A survey in 15 countries also shows that Gen Zers are twice as likely as Millennials to identify as transgender.
Sao Paulo hosted the largest Christian gathering in Latin America. There was less political representation in this year's edition.
Whatever gifting one has, it is important to be a good steward of that gifting. We should “fan into flame” what God has put in us.
The unity initiative Spain We Pray for You brought together evangelicals from across the country.
A Bible-believing Christian, David Mackereth was dismissed by the government. He hopes his legal battle will “encourage medics to speak out more on these issues”.
Migration, hospitality and human rights are all issues of biblical concern touching on loving our neighbours.
Around 300 people joined an experimental 45-minute programme of the German Evangelical Church. 98% was created and performed by machines.
The German Chancellor comes from a Lutheran family. He speaks about the Christian influence in society but remains silent about his personal beliefs.
Ordine, who recently passed away, stresses the importance of acquiring education and knowledge as an end in itself and not just as a means of material enrichment.
His ability to “connect with the average Italian” contributed to the “demeaning of women and the spectaculisation of politics”. Three evangelical leaders shared their views with Evangelical Focus.
The politician and media tycoon was the post-modern embodiment of what Augustine meant when talking about the danger of ‘amor sui’ as opposed to ‘amor Dei’.
The evangelical association New Life, in northern Spain, served almost 4,000 last year.
How many times have you cried, literally, about not being able to control yourself?
Fenn’s story gets me wondering what I’d leave everything for to find. And his poem reminds me of Jesus’ parables.
The attacker was arrested and described himself as a Christian. “In no way can the example of Jesus Christ lead to violence”, evangelicals say.
Due to his various additional needs, James doesn’t really ‘get’ birthdays, but that didn’t mean that we would let the day slip by unnoticed…
The screening in Paris of the documentary Buying Her shed light on the motivations of prostitution clients. It was followed by a roundtable with experts.
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