“Our reputation among the non-Roma people is very recognisable in a good way”, says Pastor Selim Alijevic. Before having a building, the church helped start two dozens of other congregations.
May our hearts be so captivated by His love that our churches increasingly look like the body of Christ.
The breakfast is a “friendly space to get to know each other and to pray for our country and its political leaders”.
Over three decades ago, a group of nine people from the same youth group in Cuxhaven realised that God had entrusted them to walk through life together, creating space for people.
The EU law passed in Brussels could “transform the lives of millions of exploited workers”, says the European Freedom Network.
The mayor of Grenoble wants to draw up a “more pluralist” calendar by replacing religious holidays with secular celebrations.
The three-day national conference included testimonies from Ukraine and legal changes to strengthen the national Baptist Union for the future.
Freedom and peace have their roots. They are rooted in virtues of truth and justice.
“There was no proof against him, and none of the witnesses produced by police could corroborate the blasphemy allegation against him”, said the attorney.
Most drivers who enter these worship places built in service stations across the country are over 50 and stay around fifteen minutes.
Keller knew church planting in Europe is hard. Take heart, European leader!
Nothing is as worthy of our commitment as our family.
Unlike a romantic relationship where feelings are shared and commitments publicly made, friendship’s informality can make it hard to know where we stand.
OM invites young Christians aged 18-30 to visit 11 countries between June and August. “Experiencing mission first hand can lead to being called more long term”.
The event takes place every year to celebrate Pentecost. “We long for people to become familiar with who Jesus is”, say the organisers.
Reading him critically and generously in light of the Scripture Alone principle, seems to be the best evangelical approach to Thomas Aquinas.
Speakers agreed that instead of regulating the practice of surrogacy in the European Union, efforts should be made to highlight that surrogacy means, in essence, the commodification of children.
The documentary ‘Buying Her’ will be seen this June in Paris, Madrid, Budapest, Amsterdam and Berlin. It addresses the “restoration of broken men and the ending of sex trafficking”.
Lives are not transformed by to-do lists. They can help, but they remain mostly on the surface.
An interview with Jonas Engström, a Swedish choir director and composer with a passion for Gospel music.
Under the theme “Jesus Christ is the Lord”, the event aims to give visibility to the evangelical reality of this region of northern Spain.
At a meeting in Bogotá, missionaries and pastors acknowledged that they “still have challenges regarding our vocation and our capacity to welcome differences”.
Jonas Engström, director of the Stockholm Gospel Choir Festival: “This is both my way of living and sharing my faith”.
A march organised by pastors in Tegucigalpa asked the government to stop same-sex marriage legislation and gender ideology in schools.
The European Freedom Network (EFN) asks parliamentarians in Brussels to pass legislation that forces companies to identify and address human exploitation.
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