Irina Volodrska (Jews For Jesus, Ukraine) and Elia Daoud (Evangelical Alliance of Arabic Speakers in Europe) speak about how they share the gospel with their own people.
Evangelicals analyse the biggest demonstrations in the Czech Republic since the Velvet Revolution. Prime Minister Andrej Babis remains in power after surviving a parliament no-confidence vote.
Evangelicals help lead the “Alliance against exportation of weapons to countries in Civil War”. The popular initiative brings together people from all areas of society.
Participants from Europe, United States, Australia and Latin America attended the fourth edition of the Rome Scholars and Leaders Network. It “equips evangelical leaders to understand Roman Catholic theology and practice”.
The Swiss Parliament could soon redefine marriage. Homosexuals would be given the right to adoption and surrogate pregnancy would be discussed.
The European Evangelical Alliance not only addressed the general human longing for safety but also the current concerns about the Europe in which we are living.
Experts, activists and representatives of 90 organisations met in Pescara (Italy) for the fifth European Freedom Network Bridge conference. The platform is led by Christians.
French Christians got together to pray, give Bibles, and share the gospel. “It is a privilege to freely testify publicly about our faith”, organisers said.
The European Evangelical Alliance honours the work of a platform that offers “training of ministry workers and leadership, provision of a biblical perspective on disability, and mobilization of prayer and support”.
At least 20 big events were held in open air locations, with music, preaching and food. 90 pastors baptised around 500 people in the Elb river.
Despite the decline of crimes, these organisations still are very influential in Southern Italy. Christians should “face Mafia with the Biblical responsibility that it deserves”, says Giuseppe Rizza of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
“Nones” are a majority but cities are now more religious than rural areas, analysts say. Evangelicals grow to 1.6% of the population.
Mette Frederiksen is set to be the country's youngest ever Prime Minister. Centre-right party leader, Lars Rasmussen, has resigned.
The Belgium Evangelical Mission (BEM) changed its name to ‘ViaNova’ (new way). ‘We dream to see a thriving movement of integrated Communities of disciples of Jesus throughout Belgium’.
740 evangelical leaders connected for mission in Wisla (Poland). Ramez Atallah led the Bible expositions on 2 Corinthians. Seminars, thematic networks, and resources were available at the annual gathering.
The Belgian Evangelical Mission celebrates its 100th anniversary. The origins of the evangelical movement can be found on the battlefield of Western Flanders.
Highest turnout in 20 years. Despite victories in France and Italy, nationalist populists will only be the fifth force in Brussels. Liberal Democrats and Greens are seen as winners of the night.
Methodist Evangelicals Together responded by calling for the biblical definition of marriage to be maintained. The report will be presented at the Methodist Conference in June.
Most countries vote on Sunday, but Britons, Dutch, Czech, Irish and Latvians did so earlier. Evangelicals called to “vote prayerfully and responsibly”.
According to the Observatory for Religious Freedom and Conscience, these incidents grew by 20% in 2018.
Communities in the island become members of the CNEF. Their aim is to have a united voice to be “more visible and develop social action”.
The working party in charge of studying the implication of the seal in the context of protecting children from abuse did not reach a consensus. The Church of England has been criticised because of this decision.
The 2019 European Freedom Network conference will be held in Italy. “God has used many instrumental Christians over time to address the issue of slavery”, says Leanne Rhodes.
All of them served in Turkey. Former church leader in Izmir Andrew Brunson thanks all those who prayed for him during his two-year imprisonment.
There are 331 municipalities of more than 5,000 inhabitants with no evangelical church. Reaching them “continues to be one of the great shortcomings of the mission in Spain”.
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