A biblical case for employing those with disabilities.
Understanding new generations is an essential part of a true mission mind in this rapidly changing world. An article by Steve Sang-Cheol Moon.
Restoring public truth in a media-dominated world.
Findings from the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition. An article by Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson .
Toward a ‘third culture’ of oneness in Christ. An article by Kirst Rievan.
The formation and scope of a distinctive spirituality. An article by Daewon Moon.
Pandemic partnership for health professionals and the church. An article by Ted Lankester.
Lament, communities of care and the new normal. An article by Gladys K. Mwiti.
Be aware that in the midst of our congregants, viewers, and readers there are folks who are facing mental health issues, on a spectrum from moderate to chronic. An article by Hebert Palomino O.
Petchabun and the Free in Jesus Christ Church association. An article by D.J. Oden.
Pandemic has emphasized our own inadequate material and naturalistic assumptions about reality. An article by Stephen Ko, Paul Hudson, and Jennifer Jao.
A call to global prayer. An article by Jacob Daniel.
Global gateway cities and the opportunity for mission. An article by Charles Rijnhart.
The complementary and transforming ministry of ‘fresh expressions’. An article by Michael Moynagh.
Learning from the majority world template of suffering and sacrifice. An article by Israel Oluwole Olofinjana.
Imagining a post-virus landscape and its effects on missions. By R. McLeod and D. Taylor.
Reflections on the problem of evil and the might of God.
Covid-19 might just be an extraordinary interruption that we can attend to, manifesting, as Jesus did, that the rule of God’s love has come on earth as it is heaven.
Guidance, renewal, and vocation with Movimento Vocare.
Practical considerations for building trust in partnerships.
How new tools can be used to securely lead mission teams.
A mental model for the missiology of risk.
Why Christians should speak up on behalf of Jews.
Colonial missionary impact, world Christianity, and Muslim-Christian dialogue.
Surveillance, disbanding, and dreams of a burgeoning missionary movement.
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