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Evangelicals mobilise to help in Bata after explosion

Evangelical churches and entities have begun to aid assisting victims on the ground and sending donations.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BATA 12 DE MARZO DE 2021 17:15 h
Evangelical churches and entities are already distributing aid among those affected by the explosion. / Courtesy of UEBE.

After an explosion at a military base in Bata killed over 100 people and left more than 600 injured, local evangelical churches have begun to mobilise to help those affected by the tragedy.

The Evangelical Baptists Union of Spain (UEBE) has reported that “the Baptist Church of Bata has already started to distribute urgent asic goods to the victims in the hospital, nursing homes and shelters”. The Bata Baptist Church building has lost its roof as a result of the explosion.

The Assemblies of God has called “for prayer and solidarity” and echoed a message from the denomination's leader in Equatorial Guinea, Sebastián Obiang Abeso, who assured that “some churches are bringing support to the victims in the streets and hospitals”.

“Many churches have been totally destroyed, hospitals are collapsed, houses are demolished, there are many people without food, without clothes and some pastors have lost their homes”, they explained.

[photo_footer]  According to the government of Equatorial Guinea, most of the buildings in Bata have been damaged. / Courtesy of UEBE. [/photo_footer] 


Evangelical help on the ground

Several evangelical associations working in the African country have also mobilised to help on the ground, such as the Spanish evangelical NGO, +Q Salud (More than just Health) , which has already raised more than 8,500 Euros to send to Equatorial Guinea.

“As of today we still don't know if everything has been resolved, or if there could be more explosions. There is still panic and many have had to go inland to leave the city. It is shocking to see people trying to help others, even though they have lost everything”, point out +Q Salud representatives.

The evangelical NGO Remar also reports that one of its facilities, located just three kilometres from the site of the explosion, has been “totally destroyed. It is a home for children without resources. Thanks God, no one has died” .

The organisation in Equatorial Guinea is urgently asking for financial help or help, building materials and furniture to restore the building. “to rebuild the shelter and school. We need to do it urgently, so that we can to continue helping many”.

[photo_footer]  Volunteers from the Bata Baptist Church distribute the aid received. / Courtesy of UEBE. [/photo_footer] 


International reactions

The United Nations is coordinating the support provided by international actors, including the EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Opetations (ECHO), which sent the first batch of humanitarian aid dispatched by Spain. The shipment consists of medicines and medical supplies to treat those wounded in the explosion

Ned Price, spokesman for the United States Department of State confirmed that they “have U.S. experts in disaster response on the ground, and an explosive ordnance disposal team en route”.

The Equatorial Guinean government has pointed out that it also expects assistance from Saudi Arabia, Israel and France.

The World Health Organization and children’s agency UNICEF had mobilised teams to control infection and provide logistical support

Furthermore, “the IMF is exploring all possible ways to support the people of Equatorial Guinea at this difficult time and to help the country move toward more sustainable and inclusive growth”, said International Monetary Fund, Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva.




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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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