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Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

Laugh, God loves you

The more we complain, the more we are showing others how little we depend on God.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 26 DE ABRIL DE 2020 15:00 h
Photo: Pixabay (CC0)

Many things have been said about what coaches teach players in tactics sessions. They are those occasions when the coach speaks, speaks, speaks, and speaks, and never seems to finish.

There was a player in the south Iberian Peninsula who was well-known for falling asleep whenever the coach explained how he wanted the team to play in the next game!

And on one occasion, before an important League match, this same coach was explaining how each one of the team should play. On a blackboard he drew the field and marked his own team and the opposition.

He marked everyone's movements and passes. Suddenly, after several minutes of explanation he said: “When you get to this position, shoot at goal, because my chalk’s finished!”.

Much could be written on the importance of good humour in life. It has even been shown that people who live happily are less prone to illness: our system works better when it is happy.

In the Bible, God tells us that we should be “always joyful”. That doesn't mean that we must always be laughing, but rather that our lives should reflect the joy of our Creator, in all circumstances.

Even in sad moments we can feel joy, although we are crying; we know that in all things it is God who has the last word. And that makes us happy. Many situations are too much for us, but it need not always be like this.

We worry when we give too much importance to a minor problem, to a difficult situation, to failure. The truth is that everything is less important than we believe.

With the Eternal Light of God in our life for ever, many of the small details of this life are no more than that: unimportant details. Sometimes, it is good to treat them with humour.

There is a good way to recognise whether you are a joyful Christian: count the times that you complain. The more complaints that are inside, the less joy we have inside. The more we complain, the more we are showing others how little we depend on God.

When you rely on God you don't have reasons for complaining, for being in a bad mood, for being worried and depressed.

You will have serious problems, difficult situations or failures; it doesn't matter. Whoever trusts in God knows how to place all these things in HIS hands.

One can tell if somebody believes in God, by the joy reflected in their face.




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